100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 190 The first female courtier (11)


The girl's voice was helpless, and there was a hint of connivance, which made the boy's figure pause slightly, his delicate eyebrows raised again, and he glanced at her silently.

Yu Chu confirmed his identity, thinking that there will be a little brother who can tease him in the future, and he was in a good mood, so he said to leave, and did not forget to smile at him with white teeth:

"I'm leaving, but what I said is true, you think about it, I'm not in a hurry for an answer."

What responded to her was the juvenile frowning and beautiful face, and the slightly indifferent sound of the door closing.

Yu Chu touched his nose.

Anyway, finding him is hers.

Don't worry, think about it slowly.


So, these few days, thinking of the rogue Chu who has a beautiful little brother who can be teased, I went to the flower building every day, and all kinds of "random encounters" with the little brother Hua Kui.

At first, Ci Jing had a good temper and reasoned with her, but later found that this person was really shameless, so he frowned and looked away coldly.

It made him lose his temper at all.

He is not such a person. It wasn't.

In the Cishu Pavilion, I can't help myself, but fortunately, the appearance is unparalleled and elected as the oiran, and you can make your own decisions when picking up guests. He has never liked anyone, and even resents the closer distance, but this girl is an exception.

Ci Jing knew that he didn't care what she said on the first day of seeing her.

This kind of care is not heart-wrenching care, but is so shocking that people will never forget it.

A lifetime... just one person.

He suddenly fell into a trance, the tea was poured, and the next second, the girl walked over and raised his hand with a frown: "You pour tea so carelessly?"

The feeling of the fingers touching the skin was transmitted to the brain, and the boy subconsciously wanted to withdraw his hand, but when his eyes met the distressed look on the girl's face, which did not seem to be fake, he suddenly stopped.

She handled the blush carefully, never looking up at his face. With such a focused look, it seems that he really... treats the love of his life.

The young man pursed his lips, and a bit of crimson appeared on his beautiful face, but he frowned and bit his lip complicatedly.

...how can you believe it.

impossible. Who thought that way? Even men can't expect this, let alone being a princess?

He felt that he should stop thinking about it.

According to the original idea, he should leave after a few years and spend the rest of his life quietly in a mountain village.

Not interested in love.

He pursed his lips, lowered his beautiful eyes, and gently hooked his petal-like lips, his expression slightly cold:

"Please come back, Your Highness, it's not too early today."

The beautiful voice showed a bit of indifference.

These days, the three emperors came here almost every day, and they stayed for one day, and they couldn't drive them away. Besides, because of her status, she doesn't do anything too much, and Hualou has no reason to move out of her name as the first princess to drive her away.

It's... rude enough.

He thought, and glanced at the girl.

The slender and white fingers were pulled away from her hands, and she caught a glimpse of the girl bowing her head and pursing her lips.

For some reason, when she lowered her eyes and showed no expression, he suddenly... was at a loss for a moment.

The three princesses quickly raised their heads and smiled:

"Then rest early, I'm leaving."

The young man blinked slightly, his long and thick eyelashes trembled slightly, watching her walk out of the room, turning around and closing the door.

——He lowered his head and never looked back.

The boy sat quietly.

I don't understand what that expression means. Really like him, so will be lost when rejected?

Or, finally, in the endless rejection, I lost interest in this kind of teasing, and decided to...

give up.

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