100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1916 Straightening the mixed-race student (53)


Yu Chu was silent for a while.

The boy opened his lips again, lowered his eyes, stared at the window in the front corridor, and asked in a low voice, "Are you at home?"

He blinked his eyes, and suddenly curved his lips into a soft smile, "I'll wait for you at your door, remember to come back soon." The boy shrank and whispered, "It's so cold here at night."

Yu Chu on the other side propped his forehead and asked in a puzzled tone, "Have you forgotten anything at my house? Last time...you don't seem to have brought anything with you."

Xunzhou blinked again.

The blue and beautiful pupils revealed a bit of awkward embarrassment. He pursed his lips and said in a natural voice, "I have a red rope in my hand, I have been wearing it before, but I can't find it... It should be at your house."

The girl didn't say much, she heard the words and said: "Then wait for me for a while, I will go back soon."

The young man's mood suddenly became clear, he curled his beautiful eyes, and replied obediently, "Okay."

He bent his lips and put away the phone, his blue eyes showed a little sweetness, he pursed his lips in a good mood, and the pale lips curved into a beautiful and gentle arc.

He walked to the corner of the corridor, leaned against the window and looked down at the building, expressionless and dazed.

Under the building is the community garden. He suddenly saw a homeless man passing by, dressed in thin clothes and dragging a sack, far away under a tree in the garden.

Xunzhou pursed his lips, tilted his head, suddenly straightened up, and pressed the elevator down.

He went into the garden, took off his coat, stopped beside the tramp, and handed it over.

The homeless man was shivering under the tree when someone suddenly stopped in front of him. He raised his head subconsciously, only to see a boy with the appearance of an angel.

Acting like an angel, he actually handed him a piece of clothing. Those blue eyes are very beautiful, and the layers of blue are like waves in the deep sea.

The homeless man froze.

The teenager handed the clothes forward again. Although it was a kind help, there was no emotion in his pupils, and there was even a hint of indifference, "Here you are."

The tramp took it in a daze.

I turned around and left for convenience, seeming to be in a good mood, and returned to the community briskly.

The homeless thought moved, what a good man.

Xunzhou returned to the building and continued to wait. The window in the corridor was open, the night wind blew the boy's cheeks slightly cold, and the slightly curled black revealed beautiful pupils, and the blue was warm.

After an unknown amount of time, the elevator finally dinged, the door opened, and the girl came out.

Xunzhou pursed his lips and stood up straight.

Yu Chu just glanced at him and walked straight to the door, "Why do you wear so little?"

Her voice was warm, and the boy blushed suddenly. He lowered his head and whispered like a girl, "I didn't expect it to be so cold... Fortunately, you'll be back soon."

Yu Chu didn't ask any more, just said, "Come in."

Xunzhou obediently followed the girl's back, and after walking into the room, he heard her say, "Go look for it."

The boy opened his innocent cat-like eyes, glanced at her, and said in a low voice, "I didn't go to the event, and last time, I told you not to come to class... I'm just joking... I'm sorry. "

The girl raised her eyebrows slightly.

The teenager on the opposite side lowered his head a little at a loss, like a little girl admitting his mistake, his white fingers were gently twisted together, and his eyelashes drooped to cover his dark blue eyes.

"It's okay." She smiled.

Xunzhou raised his head and blinked, a soft smile appeared in his blue pupils, and he pursed his lips cutely.

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