100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1928 Straightening the mixed-race student (65)


The red rope is a little cold, and after the quilt is put on the wrist, the bright color contrasts with the white wrist, making the milk-white skin more immature and soft and cute.

Xunzhou was completely stunned.

His eyes did not fall on the red rope, but stared at the girl in a daze. She stood in front of her, bowed her head and tied the red rope quietly, he could see the other's top, and the low curled eyelashes.

He suddenly felt that the pair of eyelashes seemed to be swept across his heart, making the apex of his heart tremble slightly.

On the wrist, the part of the skin that was held by the girl's fingers was as hot as if it was burned by fire.

Xunzhou's expression was stiff, he was too uncomfortable, he wanted to withdraw his hand, but he didn't dare to move.

It was a distance he didn't even dare to imagine. He was reluctant to withdraw, so he could only rigidly let the other party hold him.

Yu Chu tied the red rope tightly.

Immediately, she released her hand, took a step back, raised her eyes and looked at the young man in front of her.

His eyelashes twitched slightly, his lips pursed, his small head lowered, and his face was beautifully crimson.

His expression seemed a little stiff.

The boy's other hand lightly covered the red rope, and after a while, he lowered his head and asked in a low voice, "Why... where are you? I seem to have lost it..."

He dropped it in that phone booth.

Because it's so sad.

This thing was made up for himself during the period after the accident, like a spiritual sustenance.

Every time I wake up from a nightmare in the middle of the night and see it on my wrist, I slowly remember... those things have passed... he is already safe.

So it is a sense of security that has accompanied him for many years. He is willing to give it to a girl, but the other party doesn't want it.

He was so sad.

Sadly, he doesn't want it anymore.

He threw away this sense of security and the medicine given by the psychiatrist, almost giving up on himself, and decided to let himself fall into the abyss forever.

No one would care about him anyway, would they?

The word redemption, as good as it sounds, is not for everyone.

His life has been so dark that there is no light. After so many years and so many experiences, he himself does not understand why he still has the courage to like someone.

Love without hesitation, and then either get redemption or a deeper abyss.

It's time to despair, why do you still have the courage to like it?

In that alley as a child, drunken women approached, but no one came to rescue him. He was very young at the time, smashing people out with blood, holding the tile as a murder weapon, and felt that he had killed people with a white face.

He also knew that he had a weird personality later, but he didn't dare to say it, so for so long, even his parents never comforted and understood him.

The surface was clean and normal, but he felt that his heart had already rotted, and it was black like a swamp with no bottom.

He didn't like girls, so he asked his parents for help in confusion, but was sent to a dark prison, where his daily life consisted of electric shocks and emetics.

He vomited until his face was as white as a ghost, and since then he was also full of disgust for boys, the rotten hole in his heart seemed to have grown bigger again, and the icy wind was leaking out.

He felt angry, so he deliberately brought back a photo, deliberately saying that it was the boy he liked.

Looking at the angry expression of the parents, there is a kind of revenge pleasure in a trance, even if it is more deadly after the pleasure.

Later, he met a girl.

But she really wasn't redemption.

but a deeper abyss.

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