100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1930 Straightening the mixed-race student (67)


The sudden rise is not joy.

Because he was very numb, and was frozen in despair for too long, he was suddenly approached by the other party, and he didn't react for a moment, just sluggish and stunned.

He seemed unable to think.

Why, why are you holding him?

Take a class together? How do we go to class together? Why go to class together? What exactly does that mean……

I felt a little panic in my heart, I wanted to grab her hand desperately, but I felt that what was in front of me was an illusion.

Maybe as soon as he exerted force, he would wake up.

But being held, I took two steps forward, and I didn't wake up from the dream, and the warmth of my palm was always there.

The young man blinked his eyes in astonishment, his eyelashes trembled slightly, like a frightened milk cat, his beautiful eyes widened, "You..."

Is she crazy?

He clenched his palms subconsciously and clasped the girl's hand tightly, as if he could absorb the temperature.

The girl turned her face, expressionless, "Don't you want to go to class with me?"

"No!" The person who was stuttering just now immediately shook his head subconsciously. Because of his extreme lack of security, he instinctively held her hand tightly, for fear that she would disappear after this sentence and clasped it tightly.

He stared at her with round eyes.

The girl pursed her lips and smiled, her eyes softened slightly, "That's fine, let's go together."

"But...why?" Xunzhou still felt that he was dreaming, he turned his head blankly and looked at the surrounding street scene, everything was real, not like a dream.

His fingertips were very cold.

Yu Chu held him and sighed slightly.

She shook her head gently, "You asked me before why I helped you. At that time, I said, because I wanted a younger brother since I was a child...but it wasn't."

Xunzhou blinked.

His fingertips retracted slightly, but the next second he desperately grabbed the other person, feeling his heartbeats add up, and slowly stopped breathing, as if the other party's next sentence required all his strength to wait.

The girl held him and said softly as she walked, "Because I liked you very much as soon as I met. Although you like boys, I still like you."

Quite frankly admitted that he liked it.

She said she liked...


The holding hands seemed stiff.

Yu Chu sighed in his heart. She felt that she was really an old mother, and she was helpless in the face of cubs.

Originally thought, the other party likes boys, she can't take the initiative to confess, making him feel disgusted.

But now it seems that it is only better to confess.

She held the other's hand, as if inadvertently, to prevent the boy from throwing her away in shock.

She continued: "You don't have to take it to heart. I like it is my business. I must respect your choice first... Hey, wait, what are you doing?"

The girl opened her eyes in astonishment.

Before she could finish speaking, she was viciously thrown against the wall by the milk cat, covered by the slender body of the young man, as if using all her strength to hug her tightly.

That kind of dark emotion, as if a person above the abyss, desperately grasped the final redemption.

. . . Shocking.

He hugged him too tightly, Yu Chu couldn't help being stunned, raised his hand and patted the boy's back, trying to make him loosen up a little.

But after patting it twice, she suddenly realized that the other person was shaking. As if she was aggrieved, she hugged her tightly, and rubbed her white cheeks against her neck, like a cat that found its owner, showing meekness and flattery.

He is shaking.

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