100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 193 The first female oiran (14)


Seeing that he was willing to cooperate, the eldest princess said softly: "Mi Xin, don't worry, as long as the third emperor's younger sister dies, there will be no obstacle for the solitary succession to the throne, and then the solitary will definitely carry a large sedan chair to marry you and be an orphan. Husband."

Ye Mixin raised her eyes to look at her, but was finally calmed down by the love words, and nodded slowly.

The eldest princess is definitely the best wife and host in the world. She is beautiful, talented, and the future empress.

She likes herself, no doubt about that. Maybe she also likes other men at the same time, but with his spirit and identity, this woman is already the best wife and the only woman who can catch his eye.

Other women are either not talented enough, or not enough in identity, or not enough in appearance.

Especially like the three princesses...

Thinking of that person, a trace of extreme humiliation and disgust flashed in Ye Mi's heart, and she pursed her lips.

The eldest princess continued to say softly: "Mi Xin, we may not have seen each other for a long time. Why don't we stay overnight in the palace of the emperor tonight. At the Prime Minister's place, Guhui will send someone to inform her."

Ye Mi was startled.

Garden parties are usually a group of people who end up staying overnight at a certain home, which is normal. Although the words of the eldest princess are obviously not meant to simply stay overnight, but Ye Cheng is happy to see the success of his affairs with the eldest princess, and he himself is not disgusted...

He silently glanced at the eldest princess.

Although it seems a bit unpretentious to say that the relationship between the wife, the master and the child is in front of the cabinet, their marriage is already ironclad. Before the eldest princess is proclaimed emperor, agreeing to do this kind of thing will allow the other party to see clearly their own intentions, for their own future. Keep some extra protection...

He bit his lip and nodded slightly.

The eldest princess's expression really softened.


When Yu Chu arrived, most of the people in the room were already seated, and when they saw her coming, the people who were chatting and laughing couldn't help but shut their mouths, with contempt in their eyes.

Yu Chu glared back one by one.

The women all laughed and avoided their eyes, and whispered together. Yu Chu didn't care what they were muttering, raised his eyebrows and smiled at the eldest princess in the main seat:

"Sister Huang, I'm sorry, I'm late!"

In the past, the three princesses were always reckless, but today, this smile is inexplicably free and easy, so that everyone present couldn't help but look up at her.

The woman smiled brightly, raised her eyebrows and looked at her with a somewhat clear and wanton look. She was clearly a playboy, but it instantly made people feel a little... chivalrous.

Ye Mixin was sitting next to the eldest princess. Perhaps his impression of the third princess was too deep-rooted. Even if there was such an obvious difference, he didn't pay much attention to it. He glanced at it with implicit disgust and looked away.

Yu Chu sneered in his heart.

This pair of men and women is really too much. If you really want to use the beauty trick, you should pay some blood. Even sitting together at this kind of gathering, but trying to use Ye Mi's heart to hook the three princesses is too naive...

The original owner is also really stupid.

She curled her lips imperceptibly, sat down neatly in the corner, and smiled at everyone:

"Don't be restrained, you won't go home if you don't get drunk today!"

The First Princess: "..."

It was obviously her own garden party, but when this imperial sister came, it seemed like she was the master.

The eldest princess forced a smile and said softly, "Emperor sister, what are you doing sitting so far away? Come over here, you and Mi Xin may not have seen each other for a long time."

Yu Chu turned to look at her.

This eldest princess is called Ye Mixin, and she doesn't even add the suffix of Langjun... How stupid the original owner was to be deceived.

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