100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1944 Straightening the Mixed-race Students (81)


He barely made a sound, just lay there in a daze, in the blue pupils, like layers of water ripples in the deep sea, he was helpless and flustered, squinting like a cat.

The milky white skin was kissed lightly, Xun Zhou felt aggrieved and dazed, pursed the pale crimson lips, soft and tender face, and finally regained some complexion.

He stared blankly.

The kitten has never experienced this at all.

He hated human contact since he was a child, and it was disgusting when others approached a little, and almost no one could touch him.

But this time it's so close...

In the eyes of the young man, sparkling water light was intertwined in layers, and it seemed like a flame was ignited.

He was uncomfortable and comfortable.

Following the movements of the person on his body, the milk cat narrowed his eyes helplessly and impatiently. The blue eyes were like the deep sea. He gritted his teeth and murmured, and then in the comfort of the stormy sea, he couldn't help biting his lips. .

On the juvenile's milk-white slender neck, the Adam's apple rolled slightly sexy, and the collarbone was blushing.

"Wow, I'm uncomfortable, uncomfortable..." He seemed to want to raise his hand to resist again, but couldn't resist, so in the end he just raised his hand to cover his eyes, his sweet voice became hoarse, and he was vaguely aggrieved.

The person on him sighed softly, and then said in a low voice, "I haven't eaten the birthday cake yet."

Instead, eat this little guy first.

She looked at the other side's beautiful and lovely cheeks, and gently pulled his hand down, but she was shocked to see that the young man's blue eyes were filled with water, and these actions were obviously unbearable, and his milky face was full of tears. Pretty crimson, the red rope slipped down from the wrist.

The beauty only glanced at it, and the other party raised his hand and covered those beautiful eyes again.

Yu Chu was a little stunned.


She, put, lord, god, do, cry, do!

The girl opened her eyes suddenly, pursed her lips with a strange and complicated expression, and glanced at the milky boy.

The glinting eyes were covered, revealing only a fair chin, with a beautiful arc, and the pale lips were bitten tightly, leaving small marks.

She tentatively reached out and squeezed the boy's chin lightly, letting him release his lips, and then she heard the little milk cat meow as she wished... No, no, and then she whimpered sweetly.

He wanted to bite again, but his chin was pinched, and her thin lips opened slightly, her lips color bewitching.

The girl leaned over and kissed him. Xunzhou's covered eyes were a little lost, completely helpless about this kind of thing, from the beginning to the end, he lay down and was pressed down.

Yu Chu felt very satisfied.

She kissed him lightly, and moved her lips to the soft white face of the young man, "Are you still afraid?"

Slowly recalling that video, those apologies... Xunzhou blinked blankly, his long eyelashes trembled slightly, he pursed his lips, and finally smiled a little, showing the soft dimples on his tender white cheeks.

The young man said softly, "Thank you."

Yu Chu shook his head. "Don't say thank you to me."

But the other party just looked at her, pursed her lips, and whispered with a blushing face, "I'm just talking casually."

Yu Chu: "..."

She was about to raise her eyebrows to question, but the little milk cat rubbed her arms and hugged her, her voice as sweet as candy.

"Thank you for your life."

He lowered his eyelashes and gently held her with his long fingers. When the girl was not paying attention, he lightly tied the red string on his white and tender wrist to her hand.

"A lifetime."

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