100 Ways to Get the Male God

#1951 tomb beads (6)


Yu Chu became a little curious and asked: "Why is Mr. Xu not simple? I only know that he is talented, has a deep vision, and is powerful at a young age. But from what you said, it seems that there are other mysterious things. "

The old man laughed, "It's all said in the textbook. Everyone knows it, so it's not uncommon. Apart from those things, Mr. Xu has a lot of mysteries. You can't tell from your textbook alone."

He looked up at the tomb passage, "Just based on the tomb passage of this unpredictable institution, I guess there is a good chance that this is Mr. Xu's tomb. His accomplishments in Qimen Dunjia are not inferior to anyone else. "

Speaking of this, the old man seemed to be a little adored and touched his beard, "That's why, there are so many tomb robbers who can't even find a tomb for so many years. Even if someone found this tomb in the past, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to get to the main tomb at all. Just like the hanged ghost just now...and he'll never get out."

He spoke flatly.

The sharp-mouthed man listened attentively from behind, and his eyes flickered slightly when he heard this.

The woman walked at the end, holding her arms as if it was very cold, with goose bumps all over her body.

Hearing the old man's words, she was obviously even more afraid, rubbing her arms, Yu Chu even seemed to hear the sound of her upper and lower teeth chattering together.

"This...for so many years, no one has found it, and if it is found, no one can go out," the woman's voice was hoarse and sobbing, "then how can we do it? Why don't we go out...this place is very cold... "

The sharp-mouthed man's eyes flashed.

Before the old man could speak, he took the lead in speaking and scolded: "Shut up, everyone is here, what if you don't find something? The little girls are troublesome... So scared, why don't you say anything when you go to the tomb?"

He reprimanded the woman first, and the old man didn't speak, just touched the beard.

The woman was about to cry, and her voice was hoarse: "I used to go to small tombs, where is it like this... We have been walking for half an hour, and we haven't even finished a single tomb passage. How big is this tomb... "

Hearing what she said, several people fell silent, and the atmosphere was vaguely tense.

Indeed, she was right.

This tomb is so unusual. There is a fishy and salty feeling in the air, and the sound of water droplets is always heard in the distance, but the tomb passage extends in all directions, and the specific location cannot be identified.

I just thought that voice was annoying.

They also walked too long in a cemetery.

The atmosphere of several people was solemn, and the sharp-mouthed man was the first to speak, "There is no way, since the tomb has already been buried, at least you can find out whose tomb this is, and go out to find a thing or two, Master Fang, do you think?"

The old man sneered, "I think your main point is to scour things. In your heart, money is more important than life. But I also advise you, being too greedy is a taboo in the tomb, don't say I didn't warn you."

The sharp-mouthed man laughed and did not refute.

He is indeed a greedy man.

It's not that I'm not afraid in this tomb, but when I think of the treasures that may be in the tomb, my heart is hot, and I can't wait to go to the main tomb immediately.

Yu Chu glanced at him. The man's expression was indifferent, and he obviously didn't listen to the old man's words.

He is greedy. At that time, the old man had an accident, and he stood beside him. It was obvious that he could solve the problem by drawing his sword, but he was afraid that he would be implicated, so he refused to do anything.

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