100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1989 Tomb Beads (44)


Did she cross?

After Yu Chu finished eating the cakes, he clapped his hands and sighed, still feeling that he should find Xu Shen and talk about it.

Xu Shen thousands of years ago...

She remembered that there was a Buddhist temple in the inner city. If Xu Shen returned to the capital, nine out of ten he would go there.

In ancient times, there was a curfew at night, and it would be dangerous to go out.

However, it is not safe to stay in this mansion. Because the queen had just moved in, the guards would conduct a thorough inspection after nightfall, and it would be troublesome if they were caught.

After leaving the mansion, find an alley to hide, the soldiers who check the curfew are not so strict, and may not be found.

Yu Chu made up his mind, climbed up the wall, glanced down, and planned to jump down.

But before she could act, she suddenly froze.

- This time it was really good luck.

I saw a man in white, walking slowly, followed by a book boy with luggage.

Xu Shen.

The white clothes are snow-white and slender, black as ink, and the eyebrows are delicate and indifferent. The lantern in front of the side door illuminates his face, the eyebrows are delicate and high, and a string of simple and simple Buddha beads around his wrist, like his face, revealing the ultimate calm.

Yu Chu tilted his head.

Strange, the master did not go through the main door when he went home, but instead came to the side door where no one was there in the middle of the night.

She watched the two slowly walk to the door, Xu Shen raised her eyes, looked at the bright lantern, stood quietly for a few seconds, then turned around and said, "Let's go."

The book boy was surprised, but did not dare to speak, and quickly followed in his footsteps.

Yu Chu blinked, "Hey, wait..."

The two people in front stopped.

Xu Shen turned his head slightly, half of his face reflected light, indifferent, showing a slight surprise.

He was really twenty-three years old at this time, and he didn't watch the tomb for a thousand years, and his temperament was young and elegant.

Yu Chu climbed up the wall and jumped down.

She had been squatting on the wall for too long, her legs were a little numb, and after jumping off, she twisted a bit, but fortunately she didn't twist.

Seeing the dark figure jumping down from the wall, the book boy couldn't help shouting sharply, "Who are you, do you know that this is Mr. Xu's mansion? How dare you stay in the middle of the night..."

Before the words were finished, the snow-white figure raised a hand gently to stop the next words.

The book boy quickly backed away.

Xu Shen looked at the man in tatters, and the fingertips of his other hand lightly touched the beads between his wrists.

"Is something wrong?" His voice was a little gentle.

Yu Chu had expected that Mr. Xu from a thousand years ago was very unfamiliar with her and did not know her at all.

But his indifferent appearance is still a blow to enthusiasm. She sighed, gathered her clothes, and said innocently, "I believe in Buddhism. I heard that Mr. Xu is a good Buddhist practitioner, so he specially wanted to come to listen to Buddhism."

She looked back at the door, "But after a lot of hard work, I arrived at the mansion, only to learn that a queen lives here, and Mr. Xu is not here..."

Xu Shen was slightly stunned, a smile slipped in his eyes, and his voice was gentle: "So, you jumped over the wall in the middle of the night because you wanted to listen to the Dharma?"

"Yeah." Yu Chu was not at all cowardly, he affirmed decisively, and then smiled and put his hands together, "I was going to go back, but when I went out, I met Mr., so lucky, can you tell me about it for me?"

Xu Shen pondered.

Light and shadow sprinkled on that delicate and elegant face, and the beautiful arc at the end of the eyes was like a breeze, cold and comfortable.

Seeing that the adult was really thinking about it, Shutong couldn't help being startled. He glanced at the adult a few times in amazement, and then looked at the little beggar in tattered clothes.

Although the adults in his family are Buddhas, they have never taught about Buddhas to others...

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