100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1996 Tomb Beads (51)


"I'm worried about what to do if Madam can't find me," he murmured in a low voice, seeming to be a little aggrieved, "Or I found Madam, but Madam hasn't heard of me and doesn't want me..."

The pitiful appearance made Yu Chu subconsciously want to reach out to smooth the frown between his brows.

But her hand was still in his, moving slightly, Xu Shen bit her lip, her thin lips opened slightly, her voice contained a hint of helplessness, "Madam wants to move, can you tell me in advance?"

Yu Chu's face blushed suddenly.

She wanted to withdraw her hand, but didn't dare to move, so she could only look at the beautiful face under the candlelight.

"Before we get married, I won't touch my wife." Xu Shen said softly, the beautiful arc at the end of his eyes was like a breeze, cold and moving, and he whispered like a coquettish dawdling, "Madam, just help me like this, okay? "

Yu Chu was being held coquettishly, and the expression on his face was finally a little helpless. The string of beads was like a seal. After taking it off, it became abnormal. Probably only by putting the beads back on his wrist, this person would be normal.

Yu Chu glanced at the Buddha beads.

The string of beads was placed in front of the Buddha statue, a little far away from her, and it was impossible to get it easily...

Xu Shen seemed to know what she was thinking, and he curled his lips and said with a warm smile: "Madam, you'd better not touch it. That thing will kill all emotions and desires until the wearer is like a Buddha, without sorrow or joy."

Yu Chu blinked, "Then you still wear it?"

"I just want to kill the thought of killing." Xu Shen's voice was soft, "It's true that you won't feel much emotion when you wear it, but it's useless when you meet Mrs...."

With his warm jade-like slender hand, he lightly clasped the girl's fingertips, breathing a little faster.

There are fine beads of sweat on the white forehead, lining the eyes of the clear breeze and the moon, and the mist is blurred.

Yu Chu couldn't refuse.

Now that she has learned all the secrets, she is naturally moved. Mr. Xu said that a thousand years would be a thousand years, but he didn't even know whether the prophecy was true.

If it's empty, wait for an empty one.

It turned out that the seemingly weird underground palace wedding had a thousand-year-old mind in it.

She buried her face on Xu Shen's shoulder and lowered her voice a lot, "I'm going to... go to the bed."

It's a shame to stand at the table.

Xu Shen's indifferent and calm eyebrows glanced over in surprise, and then he smiled softly, "Yes, listen to Madam."

Yu Chu leaned against the table on his back, but the next second, he suddenly vacated, and the man gently placed her on the bed in the back room.

Layers of spun yarn to block the candlelight outside.

There was a beautiful gasp between the bed curtains. There was no note in the voice, just some broken and unstable breath, but the sound was also bone-breaking, and it was like an unbearable emotional tide.

The tossing was over for a long time, the girl was nestled in the beauty's arms, her fingers were shaking a little, and the man chuckled and held it. Xu Shen's voice was hoarse and content, and the blush on his face had not faded: "Madam has worked hard."

Yu Chu turned his face away and ignored him.

The man's white fingertips drew a long strand of hers. There were wet beads of sweat on the girl's cheeks, which were long against her neck. There was a smile on his lips, and he said ambiguous: "I'm just sweating. Madam is just doing it, no matter what..."

Before listening to him, Yu Chu pushed the person away angrily, "I don't think it's hot?"

Xu Shen smiled and said slowly, "The east wing is warm in winter and cool in summer, and it's not summer yet..."

Yu Chu: "Shut up!"

Xu Shen obediently kept his mouth shut.


I, apply for an update in the morning

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