100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1998 Tomb Beads (53)


Yu Chu always felt that everything in ancient times was like a dream. Or the hallucination of the burial chamber.

But when she woke up the next day, a piece of snow-white skin was reflected in front of her eyes, and the lines of her clavicle were so delicate that she was bewitched, and there was ecstatic laziness in her sight.

She was slightly startled, then stepped back a little, a face appeared in front of her, with clear and distant eyebrows, her eyelashes stopped, and her appearance was beautiful and indifferent.

However, this man's collar was wide open, and the seductive color was exposed from under the neckline, and the ink lined the profile of his face, which looked unusually attractive and did not match his temperament at all.

The temperament is cold, but it has an attractive beauty.

His slender eyelashes trembled slightly, and then he slowly opened his eyes, revealing light amber pupils.

"Morning, ma'am." His voice was hoarse, he leaned over slightly, and gave a gentle kiss.

Yu Chu grabbed his collar tightly.

Xu Shen noticed her trance, raised her eyebrows slightly, and asked softly, "What's the matter, what are you thinking about?"

Yu Chu regained his senses and pursed his lips: "I think it's very strange... I entered the Queen's tomb with you in a thousand years. We encountered an organ, and then I came here. I always thought it was an illusion, but It doesn't seem like... do I really travel through time?"

She frowned silently.

The crossing was too sudden, it was really like an illusion.

Xu Shen looked at her, but smiled slightly: "Buddha can predict events in a thousand years, and I can live to a thousand years later. Madam, nothing is impossible."

He got up and tucked up the snow-colored shirt, "Madam will go back sooner or later, I can't bear it."

Yu Chu glanced at him.

Xu Shen rested his fair forehead in one hand, pursed his lips and smiled softly, "How about I watch over you these days?"

He leaned over, "I don't want to go anywhere, I just want to stay by the lady's side."

Yu Chu raised his eyebrows, "Stay in the room every day?"

"If you want... I don't have any opinion." Xu Shen hooked his lips and said softly.

Yu Chu rolled his eyes.

Although he said that he would not touch her before getting married, he stayed in the room every day, and no one could tell what would happen.

But she didn't intend to refuse.

Because as he said, she is not sure when she will leave, so the time she spent with Mr. Xu a thousand years ago should be cherished.

In the next few days, Xu Shen did not leave the Buddhist temple again, and as expected, she obediently stayed by her side.

A week later, he was about to enter the palace to see the emperor, and before leaving, he instructed the Buddhist temple to take care of Yu Chu.

Yu Chu stayed in the backyard waiting for Mr. Xu to come back.

She counted the time, she has been in this ancient times, which seems to be true and false, for nearly half a month.

Just as he was about to get up and go back to the room, Yu Chu suddenly caught a glimpse of the corner of his eyes, and a black shadow turned over the roof.

Her eyes were slightly cold.

Dozens of men in black jumped off the wall.

Yu Chu calculated the number of people and should be able to deal with it.

But instead of taking out a weapon, the other party took out a small mirror from his arms, reflecting the dazzling sunlight.

Before Yu Chu could react, he felt that the sunlight reflected in the mirror could actually burn his skin.

She raised her eyebrows slightly in astonishment, and wanted to step forward, but she was hit by the sunlight reflected by the mirror, and her body could not move forward at all.

What is that mirror?

Yu Chu was surprised.

There were calm footsteps outside the yard, and a golden figure appeared in Yu Chu's sight.

The golden gauze skirt grew lotus every step of the way, and the phoenix on her head was dangling - it was the Queen of the Western Regions.

Her eyes fell lightly on Yu Chu.

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