100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 199 The first female oiran (20)


The young man silently changed his clothes in the inner room, and when he came out, he saw the three princesses standing at the table, the rice paper was spread out, and the brush was slowly sketching something on it.

He walked over slowly and took a look.

...the word is indescribable.

Yu Chu noticed his gaze and pouted. Calligraphy is one of her few shortcomings, and it's very good to write like this. Can people still have flaws?

She continued to sketch, and heard the boy's calm voice, clear and low, obviously there was no emotion in it, and he said it, but it was very fascinating:

"Thank you... Your Highness for your help."

Yu Chu rolled his eyes, "I think about it carefully, it's really not worth saving you. It's the first time to help you out of the siege, but you're not willing to promise, this time..."

She stopped talking, and after a few seconds, the young man behind her asked in a loud voice, "This time, what does Your Highness want?"

"Oh, give me a kiss?" Yu Chu said casually.

It was just a joke. After speaking, she continued to sketch on the paper. After a while, she finished writing the entire piece of paper, and looked back to see the young man's calm expression.

She suddenly realized that Ci Jing did not answer.

- Didn't you refuse immediately?

The girl opened her eyes slightly.

There is a play, there is a play!

She put down the pen and moved closer, "Hey, Lang Jun just now, didn't you refuse? Is it the default?"

The snow-clothed boy lowered his eyes and said softly, "Your Highness, I'm just a gentleman, you treat me like this now, do you want me to be your husband?"

His beautifully shaped eyes lifted, and his eyelashes fluttered. As they got closer, Yu Chu could see a dark round pupil in those black and white eyes under the upturned eyelashes.


She pondered for a while, and couldn't help frowning helplessly: "My purpose, you don't believe me when I say it."

The young man looked at her quietly: "If your Highness doesn't say it, you will never understand Cijing. Your Highness said..."

He seemed a little hesitant, but in the end he lowered his eyes and said in a very soft voice, "...the mirror can only be considered."

Yu Chu looked at the young man and noticed that his slender and fair fingers gathered up his sleeves - although his expression was still indifferent, his heart might not be so calm.

She spread her hands and said with a smile: "Okay, then I said, I have no purpose, I just want to be nice to you. If you want to be with me, it's naturally best, if you don't want to, I won't force you. I say and do. arrive."

The Queen's expression was extremely calm.

The boy was completely stunned, not expecting such an answer. In the end, he still had a little sanity, which made him frown and ask in a low voice, "Where's Ye Langjun?"

He pursed his lips: "His Royal Highness is pleased with him."

"I can tell you this too," Yu Chu smiled at him, "but, it's a secret, come over here."

Ci Jing blinked and looked at her, only to see the third princess hooked her fingers at him, her brows full of romantic smiles.

Although it's not annoying, but combined with the previous rumors about her, I also feel that this is really the standard action of a dandy princess to hook up with a beauty...

Can this man... really be trusted?

He tucked his sleeves, lowered his eyes and lowered his head, his fair face was close to her lips, and he felt the warm breath brush against his earlobe, causing a numbness. He pursed his lips.

"The emperor used him to control me."

The fluttering words made Ci Jing stunned, and she heard her continue: "I need to give her a handle to reassure her. Does that make it clear?"

... of course I understand.

is intentional. Showing her love for Ye Mixin made the eldest princess think everything was under control...

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