100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 2032 Ice and Snow Experiment Restricted Area (29)


The first generation opened his eyes for a moment.

He has always looked cold, cold and indifferent, but at this time he was a little overwhelmed, Xue Bai's fingertips shrank, but he didn't dare to grab the corner of her clothes.

He retracted his fingertips and looked at her.

Yu Chu stared at the pale and delicate face of the first generation, and was a little puzzled. Say it now? say like...

But the young man just stared silently. After a while, he bit his beautiful lower lip, and his fingertips gently held the corner of her clothes, his voice was very low: "I won't leave you, and I won't leave if you have a home... …I do not."

In the end, his expression was cold, but in the cold temperament, he seemed to be aggrieved and angry, puffed out his white tender cheeks, and lowered his small head.

Yu Chu: "..."

Although the child looked sad, she somehow felt like she wanted to laugh...

Chudai kept his head down and didn't hear her for a long time, so he raised his eyes slightly.

But I saw a strange smile on the girl's face, as if holding back a smile.

A thin red rose on his pale little face, and his delicate brows furrowed, "...I'm serious."

Yu Chu smiled and did not refute, turned around and pushed him down gently, lying next to the boy.

The man raised his hand and hugged her, his slender body nestled like a rabbit, his head resting on her shoulder.

Yu Chu: "..."

The original looks cool, but it's actually clingy.

"If it doesn't hurt to hold me, can you use supernatural powers?" she asked.

The boy nodded quietly.

The escape time was set for the night of the second day.

The first few times, Yu Chu went out alone, so she was able to avoid the patrolling team.

But this time it was clearly not possible.

Yun Xing pushed the boy's wheelchair and followed Yu Chu carefully, his heart beating fast.

The girl in front was very calm.

Not far from walking out of the restricted area, a patrol team appeared in front, looked at each other and stopped them.

"Where are you going? You need to report to your superiors when you go out, have you..."

Before the captain of the patrol team could finish speaking, the girl in front stepped forward and slashed down with a knife. When he bent down, he simply pushed it up with his knees, making a dull sound.

As soon as they met, the patrol captain fell.

The others retreated subconsciously, and before they had time to show their stunned expressions, they were also quickly dealt with, and they didn't even have time to take out the guns around their waists.

Yu Chu clapped his hands lightly and walked back.

Yun Xing was dumbfounded: "Have you practiced?"

"That's right." Yu Chu blinked and nodded casually.

Yunxing: "..."

"The front is where the fire line is," Yu Chu glanced at her as he walked, "I'll go and light the fire line, and you are responsible for controlling the blasting time."

Yun Xing immediately stood up solemnly, nodded, and pursed his lips: "I can delay for a minute."

"One minute is enough." Yu Chu nodded and leaned against the corner of the wall, "You go first."

These dynamite spots are scattered all over the base, blasting one spot after another, enough to destroy the base.

She clicked the lead and quickly backed away.

After a minute.


The blasting of an explosive point quickly awakened the entire sleeping base. In the earth-shaking explosion, the laboratory collapsed, the roof and glass fell down together with a rustling, and the ground seemed to be shaking.

People in other areas turned their heads in astonishment, dumbfounded not knowing what happened.

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