100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 2110 My voice only coaxes you (44)


The dancing is excellent, the casual stage style, and any action is pleasing to the eye, coupled with the melodious and low-pitched sound of nature, the young man is instantly hot.

Just when everyone thought that the idol group was about to usher in a new star, the other party announced his withdrawal from the circle.

The first stage, but also the last.

Fans were in disbelief, and rushed to the account to leave a message, hoping that the teenager would stay.

Because of the announcement of their relationship, many fans came to Yu Chu to leave a message, saying that as long as my brother can continue to be on stage, it doesn't matter if he has a girlfriend

Yu Chu didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

She actually felt it was a pity, because Yunhuai had the air of an idol star in every aspect.

But she still listens to the other party's own decision.

After asking Yun Huai, the boy's opinion did not change, and he still decided to leave.

The reason he didn't say.

In fact, it was because he felt very distressed - if you were a star, wouldn't you be able to sing?

But he only sang to the teacher alone.

So, don't be a star.

Such a happy decision.

However, even if he withdraws from the circle, he cannot hold back the enthusiasm of the fans. When someone inquired about Grandpa Yun's hospital, fans offered their condolences every day. Grandpa Yun was very moved at first, but later he couldn't hold the enthusiasm.

The discharge from the hospital has been brought up several times.

He also knew that it was better to persuade Yun Huai than to persuade Yu Chu, anyway, the little wolf cub still listened to the rabbit in the end.

So the old man looked directly at Yu Chu, Chu Chu, you said that these girls kept calling me grandpa, it would be rude if I didn't respond, but if I did, it would feel as if they were my granddaughter-in-law

Before he could finish speaking, the little wolf cub looked over with a blank expression—Grandpa Yun immediately stopped his mouth.

It is also miraculous.

How did he treat Yun Huai before, the little brat never got angry. But now that he has a girlfriend, once he tries to provoke the relationship, the little brat will definitely be angry.

It is indeed very interesting to see an iceberg who has been expressionless since childhood. It makes Grandpa Yun sow discord now, and he is a little tired of it.

Anyway, there will be a grandson-in-law rounding up the field later.

As soon as Yu Chu heard it, she knew that the old man was naughty again. She sighed and held Yun Huai first to soothe the little wolf dog. Grandpa, your granddaughter-in-law is only me.

As soon as these words were said, the young man was really happy, his frowning brows loosened, and he rushed up to hug her.

Yu Chu had a person hanging on his body, patted him, turned his head and said helplessly: So, change the hospital for grandpa?

Yunhuai had no objection and nodded obediently.

Grandpa Yun successfully achieved his goal, looked at them with a smile, and felt that his granddaughter-in-law was indeed more useful.

My kids are too obedient

But that's fine.

Doting on a wife is, of course, an excellent virtue.

When the two were about to go home, Yu Chu went downstairs first, and when she was walking towards the garage, a slender figure suddenly appeared in front of her, and a clean hand stopped her.

She raised her eyes and looked at the handsome young man in front of her.

As a well-known idol, Yu Chu often sees news about Lu Jing on social media.

He was diagnosed with cancer not long ago, and fans couldn't believe it, but his attitude has always been very indifferent.

Yu Chu knew that this was not a disease, but that his body could no longer support it on the alien plane.

So, why bother chasing after her?

She moved her lips, wanting to ask about her physical condition, but she felt unable to speak.

Misunderstood for nothing.

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