100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 790 Zombies in the End Times (16)


Certainly not stupid.

The little zombie didn't speak in silence, Yu Chu just wanted to tease him a few more words, but his mind suddenly dizzy, she subconsciously clenched her fist, followed by a crisp sound, and the teacup fragments jumped not far away.

The brain gradually returned to normal, Yu Chu blinked, glanced at his hand, and then glanced at the teacup not far from his finger. At this time, it had broken into pieces, and the tea was poured on the table.

The little zombie on the opposite side saw a messy table, and his delicate eyebrows were slightly frowned. Without a word, he took the rag, wiped off the traces on the table, lowered his head and silently cleaned up the fragments of the teacup, and threw them neatly into the trash can.

Yu Chu was still in a state of shock. He glanced at his hand, and then at the corpse of the teacup lying in the trash can, "This is... an ability?"

Without the young man answering, Yu Chu has already made up his mind.

Moreover, it seems that the legendary murderer is invisible and pretends to be an artifact—mental ability.

Yu Chu took a breath.

She silently stared at the towel not far away, trying to control the object with her mind, but a slender hand stretched out from the opposite side, and the little zombie grabbed her and blinked.

"You just woke up, don't overuse it." Yu Chu strangely understood what he meant. Seeing Mo Li nodded, she obediently suppressed her thoughts.

Indeed, it should be consolidated first, and there is no rush to start using it. Since spiritual powers are so powerful, they must also have corresponding weaknesses.

She thought about it thoughtfully, but the fingers on her hand suddenly turned, and the other party took her hand and turned it over, with gray pupils staring at her fingers.

Yu Chu also looked down, only to see a smear of blood on his finger, which seemed to be scratched by the flying debris just now.

But it was only a small injury, Yu Chu didn't care about it, and was about to withdraw his hand and flipped over the Band-Aid.

To tell the truth, everyone in the last world is working hard, and this little injury is simply too trivial to mention. If he hadn't remembered that there seemed to be a Band-Aid in the drawer, Yu Chu would not even bother to deal with this wound.

Just as she was about to retract her hand to get the Band-Aid, she saw the boy on the opposite side lowered his head, opened his pure gray eyes, pursed his pale lips, and blew lightly.

After blowing it, he looked up at her.

Yu Chu stared blankly at his movements and met the young man's beautiful eyes before he couldn't help but pursed his lips and smiled: "It's alright, I don't hurt, don't worry."

this hurt...

She was about to withdraw her hand slightly, but the little zombie held her hand and blew it before pursing her lips.

Yu Chu couldn't help laughing, and put a Band-Aid on his wound. Mo Li was beside him, lying on his arm and staring silently.

"Okay." Yu Chu smiled at him.

Then a few days passed peacefully.

While Yu Chu consolidated his awakened abilities, he did not waste his martial arts practice. After the awakening of the supernatural power, her force value rose to twenty, and with the gradual stabilization these days, as well as the practice of martial arts, the force value gradually stabilized at twenty-five.

As usual, the two drove during the day and went back to the RV upstairs to sleep at night. Yu Chu didn't quite know Mo Li's identity, but judging from the zombie behavior at the gas station that day, he undoubtedly looked like a mascot to ward off evil spirits.

Although this guy is a type of zombie himself, he won't hurt her, and he can block other zombies... Yu Chu feels that he has a good life in the end times.

Now just waiting to find the southwest base. I heard that there is research on serum, there is the possibility of recovering zombies.

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