100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 816 Bamboo horse is very cold (3)


She carried the girl out the door.

The Ye family is also considered a wealthy family. This is a very high-end community. The greening is very comfortable. Each family is an independent small western-style building. Some have their own garden behind the house. It's definitely a rich man's house.

The houses are far apart from each other, and there are probably only two houses that are relatively close together, and the houses of the Ye family and the An family are the two closer ones.

Mother Ye has always been envious of the An family. The two families have known each other for a long time. The family had a son two years ago. Later, Mother Ye went to see him. .

Mother Ye was so envious that she wanted to have such a child herself. But compared to her son, Ye mother wanted a daughter more.

After all, even if the son is soft and soft when he is a child, it is not caring when he grows up. My daughter was soft and soft when she was a child, and she is also soft and soft when she grows up. How wonderful.

A year later, the Ye family really gave birth to a daughter. With the common topic of the child, the relationship between the two families became closer. Mother Ye and Mother An always had endless topics to talk about, while Father An and Father Ye had more topics to talk about. They also appreciate each other, so the relationship between the two is very good.

Adults will naturally bring the topic to the two children, often joking about wanting to marry a baby.

But to their disappointment, the two children have not been very close this year.

Although An Jin is one year older, she has never been in the mood to see this little sister of the same age. She always plays with herself or stays on her own.

The other little girl didn't seem to dare to get close to him, and she shrank to the side to play.

After observing for a year, the adults could not help but feel that these two children may not be married.

The aura is not right, and we can't play together.

So the two mothers stopped being obsessed with this matter later, and often got together, put the two children down and let them play by themselves, while the two women gathered together to talk about gossip, or knit sweaters and scarves together.

The two children play on their own.

Today, Mother Ye was going to chat with her best friend, so she brought Yu Chu and knocked on the door of An's house.

Mother An quickly came over to open the door, with a warm smile on her face, "Come on, come in quickly."

As she greeted Mother Ye to enter the door, she looked at Yu Chu with a smile, "Xiao Chu is so beautiful today."

Yu Chu blinked and looked up at her, thought about it, grinned, and showed her a cute smile.

Mother An was stunned for a moment, and immediately became interested. She was originally just casually teasing the little girl. At this time, she couldn't help but stretch out her hand again, pinching the other's face, and she couldn't let go of the baby's skin: "Little Chu is so cute. Oh, let's go on like this , I want to have a daughter."

Mother Ye was naturally comfortable when she heard people praise her daughter for being cute, but she couldn't help shaking her head with a smile: "I'm envious of your Jin'er being so good."

Speaking of this, Mother An sighed in annoyance and pride: "He... he's just too good. He never cried or made trouble. I felt something was wrong."

Mother Ye couldn't help laughing, "My son is good, do you still think something is wrong? I see, Jin'er is like this, and it looks like she can do great things in the future."

Mother An couldn't help but smile.

"Okay, we haven't finished the scarf yesterday. Seeing that the weather is getting cold, we have to do it quickly."

The two of them were also idle, so they found something for themselves to do, weaving scarves or something.

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