100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 818 Bamboo horse is very cold (5)


She immediately stretched out a small hand, covered her mouth, and wiped it smoothly.

But this subconscious action did not take into account the child's body. It was very difficult for the small arm to support the body, not to mention the sudden withdrawal of a hand.

So as soon as Yu Chu raised her hand to wipe her mouth, she immediately crooked and fell down.

The adults over there laughed.

The carpet is very thick, so there is no need to worry about the safety of wrestling. The scene of the little girl covering her mouth but falling down looks funny and cute, which makes people's hearts soften and can't help but smile.

However, this amusing immediately turned into shock, and the radian stiffened on the faces of the two adults, and they all stared wide-eyed in shock.

The fallen little girl was caught, and she kept looking at her child. At this time, she subconsciously stretched out a small white hand and caught her body, so that she did not fall on the carpet, but fell into his arms. inside.


Mother An covered her mouth and was too cute.

Mother Ye also had an aunt smile on her face. Seeing the two children hugging each other, she couldn't help covering her mouth.

Mother An couldn't help but say, "Why today... I used to ignore anyone."

Mother Ye couldn't help but interject with a smile: "It's not like ignoring anyone... You Jin'er always don't play with Xiao Chu, and Xiao Chu doesn't dare to bother him at first sight."

After hearing this, Mother An couldn't help but feel a little helpless, but she also knew it was a fact. Every time, An Jin ignored Xiao Ye Chu, and Xiao Ye Chu seemed to be very afraid of him. How could he dare to approach him?

What happened to the two kids today...

One approached suddenly, and the other approached with the other, and even reached out to catch her...

The adults thought this was an accident, and the two children should still play their own way...

But what was unexpected was... the little girl who was hugged by the other party climbed up from his arms with her arms up, then raised her little head, suddenly opened her mouth, and her little deciduous teeth bit his chin.


The bitten person was stunned, his long eyelashes trembled, and he looked down at the little baby in his arms.

Two pairs of big eyes looked at each other, Yu Chu held each other's white and tender arms with both hands, leaned on his arms and raised his head, the tip of his nose was very close to his delicate chin.

Both mothers looked at them blankly.

An Jin supported the little baby in his arms, but he himself was still a two-year-old child. The little one was holding the smaller one. Mother An simply put the scarf and needlework aside and said with a smile: "Looking at them now, I think it's quite entertaining..."

Mother Ye also put her things aside, looked at the two children attentively, and said contentedly: "I think so, or else you should mention it when they grow up? Anyway, living so close..."

"That's not it," An's mother agreed. "It's a good feeling to grow up with childhood sweethearts..."

While the two mothers talked with a girlish heart, they kindly looked at the two children over there.

The two children looked at each other for a while, An Jin frowned slightly, and the child looked serious.

He was wearing a small white shirt, and his two white and tender arms supported her hand. He stepped back slightly, raised one hand, and touched his chin with the small white hand.

The child stared at the baby with dark and beautiful eyes.

Yu Chu grinned and showed him a bright smile, and then without waiting for anyone to react, he tried to climb up with his hands and feet.

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