100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 824 Bamboo horse is very cold (11)


Yu Chu looked up at the child.

He handed the candy to her lips, his long eyelashes lowered slightly, and stared at the candy with a serious and indifferent expression.

Yu Chu blinked, deliberately ignoring him.

Seeing that she didn't open her mouth, the child raised his head blankly, his eyes fell on her face, he seemed to hesitate for a moment, and then opened his lips and said immaturely: "Time... eat."

Yu Chu smiled silently in his heart.

After eating the candy, after the other party threw away the candy wrapper, she grabbed his hand with a smile, "Just when you came here, shall we play a game for a while?"

The child was stunned, and looked down at the hand that was caught. Two white and tender little hands held together.

Although it is normal for children to hold hands, An Jin doesn't often touch others. At this time, he was caught by the soft fingers of the little girl. He was stunned for a moment, pinched it subconsciously, and whispered softly, "Your hands are so soft. ah."

Yu Chu blinked, his other hand suddenly squeezed his cheek, and pulled the child's soft and smooth cheeks away, looked at his dazed eyes, made a very innocent expression, and said, "Your face is also very soft. what."


It hurt a little bit, Yu Chu saw him frown, and let go, "Did I pinch you?"

An Jin shook his head, raised his hand and rubbed his cheek.

Yu Chu let him go to get the toy, An Jin stood at the table without moving, and glanced at her toy box.

The little boy's thinking naturally thought it was a model of a plane and a car, but the little girl took out a box of Barbie dolls, "playing the story of the princess and the prince."


The girl said, but took out a dinosaur toy, "There is also a dragon, it is going to snatch the princess."


"Are you a prince?" Yu Chu turned his face and asked him.

An Jin wrinkled the tip of her nose slightly, frowned and looked at the dinosaur seriously. In this pile of toys, only this one is slightly in line with the boy's preference.

"...I want this." He said in a milky voice.

"Fool," Yu Chu tapped him on the head, "the prince and the princess can only be together. If you are an evil dragon, you can't be with the princess."


An Jin has maintained perfect grades in kindergarten all year round. From teachers to neighbors, there is no one who does not praise him for his intelligence. This is the first time I've been called an idiot.

And... the child frowned, not knowing what it had to do with being together or not.

But looking into the girl's eyes, he finally only rubbed the knocked head, "...Oh."

Yu Chu stuffed the doll representing the prince into him.


Days go by so fast.

In the whole kindergarten and primary school of Mr. An Jin, there was not a single exam that was not full marks. When he graduated from primary school and was praised on stage, the teacher was in high spirits beside him, but Yu Chu saw this guy's serious face, standing indifferently like an old monk. Beside me, I can't help but laugh.

When the two little guys entered junior high school, their relationship was already very close.

However, boys and girls in this period are at a stage where they are more ignorant of the opposite sex.

On the one hand, the two children are inseparable, but on the other hand, they always maintain a slight distance.

Yu Chu stared blankly at Mother Ye packing up her luggage, "We're going out with your mother An Jin and the others. You should listen to your brother An Jin carefully, you know?"

"Oh." Yu Chu nodded to show that he knew.

"Don't make trouble with others. Brother An Jin likes to be quiet. Don't always disturb others."


After being taught by Mother Ye, Yu Chu came to the door with his belongings, rang the doorbell, and waited for a while.


One more. The last day to adjust the status, thank you for still comforting me. Start to cheer up tomorrow, seven more guaranteed bottom ten thousand more capped. There have been a lot of rewards in the past two days. Don’t give them any more. I can’t add more to this. I keep the money to buy snacks for myself. Thank you very much for supporting genuine payment. I will fight to the end of my battle to defend myself, and I will never give up until I get a clean reputation. Good night.

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