100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 783 Bamboo horse is very cold (20)


Time flies by with the two of them.

As the days passed, Yu Chu began to pay attention to his parents' business situation.

In the original plot, the original owner Ye Chuchu was rebellious and disobedient. After his parents' business went bust, he didn't know how to understand them.

Although she was not the direct cause of her parents' suicide, she was also a factor.

In the original plot, Ye Chuchu was not worthy of the excellent Zhuma Jun, and it was also the regret of the Ye family's parents that they were not together.

Yu Chu snapped his fingers and calculated, because he had been close to each other since he was a child, and now he has half-finished the little bamboo horse... The next thing to guard against is the business of the Ye family's parents.


When Yu Chu got the high school admission letter, it was the summer vacation of An Jin's second year of high school. Because the school was about to start the third year of high school, Yu Chu was severely warned by his parents that he was not allowed to disturb anything this year...

Yu Chu was only allowed to report to An's house after receiving the notice - she was admitted to the same high school as An Jin and was about to become an elementary school girl.

She knocked on the door of An's house opposite.

After the door opened, the boy in white lowered his eyes, his fingers lining the door frame, which was particularly beautiful.

Zhuma-kun's stature has grown since graduating from junior high school. Until now, the slender boy can easily jump up and shoot, his fingers are slender and beautiful, and his delicate cheeks have faded away.

The edges and corners are distinct, and the pupils are dark and cold.

Yu Chu looked at him.

This kind of person, of course, never lacks attention.

It is said that when he was just a freshman in high school, many senior sisters had come to see him.

However, this person has been living the life of an old monk, being a pure-hearted scholar with few desires.

Although Yu Chu has been in junior high school before, he has also heard a lot of news about learning gods, which shows how influential this beautiful young man is...

However, because An Jin never liked to talk to people, Yu Chu never mentioned their relationship.

So no one knows that there is a little green plum living in the opposite door.

Thanks to no one knowing, Yu Chu lived a peaceful life.

She raised the admission notice in her hand, "Brother An Jin, you are in the same high school."

An Jin's dark eyes moved to the notice in her hand, and then her lips slightly curled.

The young man's beautiful eyes were slightly curved, he raised his white fingers, rubbed her head, and then took her hand naturally.

Yu Chu was pulled in by him, and An Jin closed the door behind him before asking, "What are you busy with recently?"

He led the man towards the living room.

The young man's voice, after years of polishing, finally got rid of the tender and soft, casual voice, but there was a hint of coldness and indifference.

On the slender neck, the sexy Adam's apple arc makes the original beauty a little sharper. Although it is exquisite and beautiful, it is clearly the edge of a boy.

"My mother said that you were busy in your third year of high school, so let me stop bothering you." Yu Chu rolled his eyes.

The person in front looked back at her before frowning, "It's okay, I'm not busy, I don't have to study every day... Don't hide from me."

"Then you go and talk to my mother?" Yu Chu blinked and leaned over to ask.

"it is good."

While they were talking, the two had already come to the living room. Yu Chu saw that both An's father and An's mother were there, and he couldn't help but subconsciously wanted to pull his hand away. But An Jin seemed to be completely unaware, and naturally led her over.

When they got to the front of the sand, An Jin released her and sat down beside her.

After Yu Chu greeted An's father and An's mother, he felt that the atmosphere was a bit weird.

Does she come at the wrong time?

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