100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 788 Bamboo horse is very cold (25)


The school people can see what attitude this young man has always had towards others.

In the horrified eyes of the other five girls, An Jin lowered his eyes and turned over Yu Chu's wrist, and a scratch was suddenly revealed, with bloodshot eyes.

Yu Chu secretly looked up at him.

The boy's gaze stopped on the wound, he raised his eyes calmly, and looked at her.


In fact, in the kindergarten back then, the descriptions of the little girls made some sense. When An Jin looked at someone calmly, it was really scary.

——The gaze of the Great Demon King.

Yu Chu bowed his head guiltily.

An Jin looked at her top, then said nothing, looked away, and led her away.

The girls stared at them blankly.

The girls in the student union were also stunned, and subconsciously took a step forward, "Student An, she...you are...they gathered in a crowd to fight, I should take them to the student union, and then hand them over to the school..."

The young man was in a displeased mood, he just frowned when he heard the words, "Didn't you see that she was injured?"

"..." The girl was stunned.

The young man took the man and left.

The girls in the back looked at each other, wondering what they had heard.


It turns out that the students who learn the gods will pity the fragrance and cherish the jade?


Why not hurt yourself!

For a time, the girls who were fighting all cried out in their hearts.

Yu Chu looked back carefully as he was being held, the student union girl was stunned, and Yan Jin, who was behind, widened his eyes, obviously envious.

Not to mention the three other girls who fought later, all of them gritted their teeth and looked envious.


Well, in fact, I didn't suffer from a fight, so this is the last time. But not too painful.

Yu Chu silently followed the little bamboo horse.

Fortunately, it was lunch break, and she didn't meet anyone along the way. She was led by the teenager into a small western-style building with three big characters on the top, "Mathematics Club".

"Is this a school club?" Yu Chu looked around and couldn't help asking.

The person in front said flatly, "I'm still angry."

"..." Yu Chu looked up at him blankly, then couldn't help raising the corners of his lips, obediently followed the person to a room, on the bookshelf behind the black table were some books with unintelligible names.

An Jin took out the medical sterilized iodophor and cotton swab from the drawer, and took her to the bathroom. After rinsing off the slight bleeding scratches, she took the person back to the chair and picked up the cotton swab flatly, "Sit down."

Yu Chu sat down obediently, watching the boy kneel down in front of him, carefully smearing the wound.

From her point of view, she could only see An Jin's dark shattered, meticulous white shirt, with a high and straight nose bridge, and a white forehead under the shattered forehead.

"Brother An Jin, you won't tell my mother, will you?" she asked carefully.

The young man looked up at her.

His tone was still very flat, "Are you afraid?"

The meaning of anger in the words was obvious. Yu Chu touched his nose and had to admit his mistake, "I didn't mean it, it was our classmates who provoked people..."

The boy's voice was flat, "This is not an example."

"Well, I know," Yu Chu quickly assured, "then, brother An Jin, my mother..."

After applying the medicine, An Jin stood up and sighed slightly, "I won't say it."

The girl jumped up suddenly, hugged his neck with a smile, and habitually said, "Brother An Jin is the best!"

The young man was slightly startled, and then gently pulled her away. This time, he didn't say anything about kissing her, only his earlobes were red, and he frowned: "Be careful of the wound."

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