100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 790 Bamboo horse is very cold (27)


An Jin came to the club in the afternoon.

He originally joined the math club simply because he had won too many awards. At a school meeting, the principal kindly asked him to join more clubs, so in the end, Xue Shen students chose to join the math club.

People from other clubs all sighed, watching the teenager join the math club. After that, the math club welcomed a lot of female newspapers...

Therefore, the criteria for recruiting can only be mentioned again and again.

In the sight of everyone, Yu Chu took the report and walked into the club room of Xue Shen classmates.

Only this kind of university tyrant can carve out his own space in a club.

Yu Chu knocked on the door, and the voice inside was flat and slightly cold: "Please come in."

She pushed the door in and closed it again.

An Jin raised his eyes and saw Xiao Qingmei walking over with a smile. He raised his delicate eyebrows slightly, "Are you familiar with the community environment? Are you looking for me?"

"I'm not here to disturb you!" Yu Chu quickly made it clear, "I won't always come in the future."

"..." The pen between the slender fingers of the young man stopped, and he pinched the bridge of his nose, "I didn't mean that."

Yu Chu looked at him.

"I'm just asking. You can come to me if you're okay." An Jin's eyes fell on the paper in her hand, she raised her eyebrows slightly, and asked plainly, "This is?"

"School celebration, the drama club wants to work with your math club, but I think it just wants to work with you." Yu Chu slapped the paper on his table, "Otherwise, why do you want to work with the math club for a play? ?"


"Brother An Jin is good-looking and has a lot of troubles." The girl said with a smile.

The young man raised his eyes.

Xiao Qingmei's beautiful cheeks came into view. The corners of his lips were slightly hooked, and he didn't say anything at the end. He picked up the pen and signed on the paper at will.

Yu Chu was stunned for a while, "Sign it? Actually, no, they didn't even think about your agreement..."

"Okay, take it." An Jin put away the pen, then picked up the paper with her fair fingertips and glanced at it.

If he can handle him, the people in the society... should be very polite to her in the future.

Yu Chu also understood at this time that it was for himself, so he couldn't help but took the paper and struggled, "Actually, no, Brother An Jin, if you don't want to..."

"You follow me." An Jin suddenly said.


"If they choose me to go to the drama club," the boy turned the pen between his fingers and said with a smile, "Come with me and be my follower. Do you have any opinion?"

"..." Yu Chu stared at him for a while. The young man leaned on the chair at will, his always meticulous snow-white neckline opened a button, and the shattered white forehead was smooth and beautiful, and the lips were bright red.

Can you have any opinion? Yu Chu sighed resignedly, "No opinion."

"Okay, that's settled. If the drama club comes to talk, I'll leave it to you." Zhuma-kun smiled.


Yu Chu took the signed paper and went out. As soon as the door was closed, people in the club came over to inquire about the news, "How about the elementary school girl, is An Xueshen ruthless and ruthless, don't approach strangers!"

"Don't be sad, elementary school girl. He treats everyone like that, not against you. Last time, a girl in the club invited him for her birthday, but she ran out crying."

"That's right, just get used to it..."

In the comfort of everyone's talk, Yu Chu took out his paper and showed a shy smile:

"Thank you for your concern, Senior An signed it."

Everyone: "..."

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