100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 797 Bamboo horse is very cold (34)


There was an instant sensation in the auditorium.

From the first year of high school, he was attracted by senior sisters to watch, until the third year of high school.

Even if you participate, everyone imagines that it should be a debate or some kind of competition, that kind of distant event that is unattainable.

rather than an entertaining drama—

She's still wearing such a cute costume!

The girls almost jumped up, and many of them took the risk of being caught by the teacher, excitedly took out their mobile phones and took pictures secretly, whispering to each other.

"An Jin, is it really An Jin?"

"My God, man!"

"This one is too cute..."

The girls suppressed their screams, and on the stage, the boy with the evil dragon had a cold face and said to the pretty princess:

"You must come with me."

Even at such a distance, you can see that the princess bowed her head shyly, as if she had just made a vow with the prince - this is clearly intended for the villain!

But the audience expressed their understanding with empathy. It is indeed very difficult for An Xueshen to bow his head to let someone go with him, and refuse without blushing.

"But the male god won't hug her..."

"Mu Qiqi is also the school flower..."

"But it's not worthy at all! Woohoo, my male god!"

Amidst the chatter, the girls opened their eyes wide, only to see the boy on the stage stand up at will, and the flowers and plants beside him pushed the princess to follow him.

Because it was originally a comedy drama, the effect of this scene was unexpectedly good. The girls patted their chests and breathed a sigh of relief.

"so far so good……"

"I knew that An Nan Shen would not hug people."

"The school flower's face doesn't seem very good..."

In the whispers of the girls, An Jin went behind the scenes. There is nothing to do with him next, as long as he is defeated by the prince obediently, the curtain call can be made.

Hidden in the shadows, he lowered his eyes to straighten the black cuffs, and then looked up at the stage.

Xiao Qingmei swings the sword with great interest, moves handsomely and unrestrainedly, and is dressed in the costume of a prince, which suddenly makes people feel that he is indeed a beautiful boy.

An Jin watched for a while, then slightly curled her lips.

The prince found the hidden dragon, swung his sword, and pinned him to the pillar. The girls in the auditorium exclaimed in distress. Yu Chu got up helplessly and winked mischievously at An Jin.

"Really welcome." She mouthed.

An Jin did not speak. At this time, he only needs to stay at the pillar and wait for the curtain call.

The young man narrowed his eyes slightly.

He lowered his hand, lightly tapped the pillar with his white fingers, and his dark pupils were calm and elegant.

Over there, Yu Chu had already helped the princess up, the two of them looked at each other affectionately, and said a disgusting line. Seeing that Mu Qiqi's face became more and more ugly, Yu Chu hugged her with great interest.

Mu Qiqi's face suddenly stiffened.

Yu Chupi was very happy now.

At the end of the performance, Yu Chu took Mu Qiqi's hand and leaned over to kiss her, watching the girl's face getting greener and greener - she wanted to laugh a little.

She turned her face slightly, ready to take a seat.

Suddenly there was a commotion in the auditorium—

Yu Chu's hand was still wrapped around Mu Qiqi's waist, but the next second he was caught off guard and pulled away. The hand holding her wrist was slender and slightly cool. In front of him were the beautiful eyebrows of the young man. Yu Chu opened his eyes wide and was covered by shadows. .

The young man lifted the back of her head with one hand, giving no time to react at all, and leaned over to kiss her calmly.

Fluffy lips.

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