100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 804 Bamboo horse is very cold (41)


"Chuchu! Come here quickly." Mother Ye called out to Yu Chu, and smiled at the young man in front of the door, "Jin'er come in quickly, Chuchu is in the room."

The boy obediently stepped into the door, but did not go inside. He just said politely, "I'm leaving in a few days. I want to say goodbye to Chu Chu today. Can I take her out for a walk? I'll be back soon."

Of course Mother Ye didn't think too much. The friendship between the two children's childhood sweethearts is imminent, and it is normal for them to be separated. She nodded lovingly, "What's wrong, take her for a walk."

When Yu Chu walked to the door, she saw her mother looked at the boy kindly. She couldn't help rolling her eyes and looked up at the little bamboo horse.

An Jin's eyes fell silently on her.

"What's wrong with Brother An Jin?" Yu Chu walked over and asked.

The boy's eyelashes moved slightly, but before he could answer, Mother Ye had already flicked her forehead, "Why are you talking to Brother An Jin, I can't come to you if I'm okay?"

Yu Chu: "..."

Proper mother.

There was a little smile in the boy's eyes, and his dark and beautiful eyes looked at her quietly: "I'm leaving in two days. Now that I'm free, let's go out for a walk?"

He asked lightly, and Yu Chu nodded.

Mother Ye sent them out with a smile on her face. Looking at the backs of boys and girls in the moonlight, she nodded with satisfaction, but sighed again.

This child of Anjia is just too good.

Regardless of appearance, character, character, ability, people can't pick out a single fault. If she hadn't watched him grow up since she was a child, Mother Ye couldn't believe that such a perfect person existed in this world.

It's too perfect, but it makes people feel distant.

Chu Chu is also very good, but there is more vividness of fireworks in the world. Mother Ye didn't dare to force a bridge.

In case of incompatible personalities, Chu Chu likes such a perfect person, but instead finds guilt for himself.

Mother Ye sighed and turned back into the house.


Walking together on the quiet road of the community, the moonlight is pleasant, and the shadow of the street lamp is drawn very long.

Ye Feng made people feel very comfortable, Yu Chu walked leisurely, and was about to ask the person next to him, but his fingers were suddenly hooked. She blinked and turned her head.

The teenager next to her didn't look at her, just lowered her eyes, hooked her fingers, and then slowly held her.

"You never came to find me."

"...You're so busy, how can you have time?" Yu Chu couldn't help laughing, and held his hand instead. The boy's slender and cool fingers were easily interlocked by her.

"Then you won't say goodbye to me if I don't look for you?" An Jin asked lightly, looking up at the front.

"It's not far, and there is still a phone call, so you can video at any time." Yu Chu blinked.

The young man turned his face flat, "What about conscience."


Yu Chu was stunned and looked at him amusingly.

This man turned his face aside and ignored her, his face was expressionless, very much like the time we went to eat lobster together when we were young.

When you get angry, you don't know how to make other expressions, so you just turn away your face silently, don't talk and ignore others. If you don't know him, this indifferent look is quite intimidating.

Yu Chu couldn't help but smile, stopped, raised his hand around his neck, and pulled the man down.

The lips were imprinted on the beautiful thin lips of the young man. She gave her a kiss before letting go with a smile, "Hey, can you be reasonable? What did I say wrong?"

An Jin looked at her for two seconds.

"That's right. It's not far away, and it's easy to get in touch."


"But I'm sad."

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