100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 810 Bamboo horse is very cold (47)


Yu Chu returned to his seat after the exam. Yan Jin was not at the same table. He probably ran out after handing in the papers.

It is also embarrassing for her to stay in the classroom for two hours for the exam. Yu Chu yawned and lay on the table.

High school life is hard.

She closed her eyes and lay down for a while, when she suddenly heard someone running over beside her, her arm was grabbed by someone, Yan Jin was very excited and said:

"Chuchu! Guess who I saw!"

Yu Chu opened one eye and waved his hand, "You can play by yourself, let me sleep for a while..."

"My god! Senior An is back to school!" Yan Jin grabbed her again and said happily.

Yu Chu's movements stopped.

"Hurry up, come and have a look with me. I wanted to share the blessings, so I came to call you quickly." Yan Jin pulled her up without a word and walked towards the door.

"What kind of blessing is this." Yu Chu laughed.

"Blessed eyes!"

The two came to the corridor outside. There were already quite a few people lying on the railings of the corridor, all of them craned their necks and looked down, whispering excitedly from time to time.

"Wow, look at the elementary school girls on the opposite floor, it's crazy, there are so many people in the corridor." Yan Jin smacked his lips.

She finally squeezed out of the crowd and dragged Yu Chu over, "Come, come and see."

Lying on the railing, Yu Chu first glanced at the girls in the opposite building before laughing: "No way, they haven't seen Senior An himself, of course they're curious."

After all, he is the legendary god of learning, and his appearance is described as too good-looking by the senior sisters. Now that the real person is visiting the school, the students in the lower grades are naturally curious.

She looked downstairs.

An Jin was too good. Now that he came back to school, several school leaders followed the conversation with a smile. The boy was slender, in white clothes and black trousers, with beautiful eyebrows in the sun, and standing in the middle looked extremely dazzling.

Yu Chu sighed and shook his head.

"Now, the group of elementary school girls across the street have to believe it. I used to say that senior An Jin was perfect, and some people didn't believe it." Yan Jin sighed and knocked on the railing, "I always think that someone like a male god will have no wife in the future."

"Why?" Yu Chu turned to look at her.

"You don't think he looks like a liar, the kind of person who has been slapped with emotions or something, and has no emotions. At this time, it stands to reason that there should be a silly and sweet heroine, who uses her simple kindness, innocence and cuteness to influence..."

Before Yan Jin could finish speaking, he had already been slapped on the head.

"Why did you hit me?" She felt aggrieved.

Yu Chu glanced at her, "Don't think I can't hear you talking about yourself. Innocent and cute? You're just stupid."


While the two were talking in low voices, someone next to him suddenly exclaimed in a low voice, "...Senior An is watching here!"

Yan Jin immediately probed down and looked down, Yu Chu was also startled, turned his head to look down, and saw that the young man raised his eyes, and his beautiful eyes were bent.

"Laughing?" Yan Jin asked in surprise.

Yu Chu was lying on the railing and didn't speak.

No one knows about her relationship with An Jin. Although Xiao Zhuma has graduated, she is still a high school student, so she did not tell her family about her relationship.

Yu Chu was planning to smile at that person as well, but before the smile could appear on her face, she was dumbfounded to see that the young man waved to her with his eyes bent.

His movements are random.

However, all the onlookers were silent.

The crowded hallway fell into an eerie silence.

The school leaders around An Jin couldn't help but raise their heads in confusion when they saw his actions, and looked at the teaching building.

The boy bent his eyes again, waved to the girl again, and his clear voice was clear: "Come here."


It's going to be very late today, go to bed first~mua

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