100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 812 Bamboo horse is very cold (49)


At this time, a school leader suddenly opened his eyes and asked, "Wait, you, that year's drama..."

Yu Chu was held by An Jin, nodded and smiled at him.

Being reminded by this sentence, the school leaders all remembered the scene that shocked the whole school.

The school celebration has never been so chaotic for so many years.

The students were like crazy. And the two culprits, now actually, are still talking about love?

"You won't be at that time..."

A school leader stared at them with wide eyes. An Jin looked back at Qingmei and smiled at several people: "Well, we were together at that time."


Seeing that the faces of the school leaders changed and changed, they all stared blankly at the end. Yu Chu held back his laughter.

She secretly glanced at An Jin.

This person seemed to be calm and calm, but he had been thinking about it all the time, and he was not allowed to announce it at that time.

It's naive to say it again.

She pursed her lips and smiled. Hearing the polite voice of the young man next to her, she said to the school leaders, "I want to take her for a walk around the school... Let's go over first."


In the sight of the school leaders, the teenager took his girlfriend away indifferently. This will also be the first time in the history of the school...student couples, in front of so many leaders, openly hold hands to show their affection...

None of the students present were dissatisfied with the dog food.

I can't accept it.

"I also want to fall in love like this..."

"So handsome..."

The girls were still immersed in shock, looking at each other resentfully, all with envious expressions.

And Yu Chu was pulled away, away from the noise behind him, and couldn't help poking the man.

"Why did you suddenly make it public?"

Zhumajun held her hand and looked at her calmly, "No suddenly, I have long wanted to make it public."

"Then you must choose this time..." Yu Chu sighed and looked up at the sky, "Everyone in the school is watching, I will not be stable again in the future, and, it's too beautiful! I'm afraid I will be the first, the school leader. Under the eyelids, openly fall in love..."

An Jin's voice was flat, "Isn't it good?"

Yu Chu glanced at him, and in the end just reached out on tiptoe and hugged him from behind, "Okay, that's great."

Only then did the young man show a little smile, and he was coaxed happily, holding her hand and pulling her to the front.

"You actually just mind, it wasn't announced at that time, right?" Yu Chu approached his fair face. "So to announce today, choose this way..."

An Jin turned her head, "No."

"It's strange to believe you." Yu Chu rolled his eyes and asked melancholy, "Then, what did the parents say?"

"To be honest." An Jin held her and continued to walk slowly forward. "They won't object."

"Is objection useful?" Yu Chu looked to the sky.

"It's useless."

When he came to the club, Yu Chu pulled people in, "By the way, your room is still reserved. Your grades are too scary. That room... has become an attraction."

She pushed open the door, and as soon as she stepped in, someone grabbed her wrist and pressed it against the door panel.


She opened her lips to speak, and the person in front of her lowered her eyelashes and kissed her under her thin lips.

Yu Chu blinked, "An..."

As soon as he said a word, the boy's eyes curved, lowered again, and rubbed lightly.

The lips were soft and thin, rubbed gently, and the breath entangled for a moment, like a feather falling.

The young man raised his eyes.

... Here comes the trick again.

"Brother An Jin, you are not childish." Yu Chu was amused, he simply stood on tiptoe and wrapped his arms around his neck.

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