100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 823 Bamboo horse is very cold (60)


"What did I say before I leave?" An Jin was very calm, and continued to slowly fold a piece of clothing and put it in the closet with a calm expression, as if asking about the weather.

"Forget it, come back first." He finally gave up and hung up the phone.

An Jin's lips curled up, without saying anything, she picked up the phone and turned it off, threw it on the bed at will, and continued to fold her clothes calmly, but her movements were slow.

He stared down at the clothes for a while, then put it down, sat on the edge of the bed, and closed his eyes slightly.

...she's jealous, she's really cute.

Not cute in appearance. Instead, he unabashedly expressed his possessiveness, and was dissatisfied with the girls surrounding him... She had never done this before.

He realized that this was a kind of possessiveness, and at that moment, for some unknown reason, his steady heartbeat, which had been steady for so many years, seemed to be out of control and skipped in an instant.

Speaking of heartbeat, he didn't know how to feel when he was a child. The first time he was embarrassed and embarrassed, it was probably when she lived in his house in junior high school. When he was sorting things, he accidentally touched the girl's bra.

But this time, the heartbeat was not embarrassment, but an indescribable joy. While staring at her, he suddenly wanted to push people, kiss her, bite her, or do something more intense.

An Jin closed his eyes and rubbed his eyebrows slightly.

...a crazy feeling. Fortunately, he was about to leave at that time, and there were people coming and going. Otherwise, you may really have to resist. He can't guarantee it.

He was only self-disciplined, but he couldn't control her.

The young man slowly opened his eyes, his eyes reflected the sunlight, clear and beautiful. He lowered his head and continued to organize things, his expression was always flat.


A few streets away from home, An Jin carried a shoulder bag and walked calmly. He was wearing a black jacket, with a white finger exposed, and he casually pulled the straps of the backpack.

It was already night, he took two steps, and suddenly he felt someone approaching next to him, as if raising his hand to pat his shoulder, so he frowned and took a step back.

Shen Ning patted the air, didn't care, and was about to say hello with a smile, but the tall boy in front of him narrowed his eyes and stared at her unhappily: "You follow me?"

She was stunned for a moment, and then her face couldn't help but look bad, "Don't think about it, I'm not following you."

An Jin didn't say anything and continued to move forward.

Shen Ning rolled his eyes, suddenly jumped a step forward, stretched out his hand to block his path, and blinked: "But An Jin, I just lost my wallet and have nowhere to go... Can I go to your house to borrow a room? Late? I'm leaving tomorrow, it's really too late today..."

When she was stopped in front, An Jin stopped. The slender black-clothed boy stood on the side of the road. In front of him was a pretty girl who stretched out his arms to stop him. The combination was very beautiful.

Shen Ning winked at him.

However, An Jin just frowned and showed no expression, "This classmate, are you familiar with me?"

Shen Ning was stunned for a moment, then rolled his eyes, "Aren't you familiar?"

An Jin ignored her, and turned to walk around her. Shen Ning hurriedly chased after her, "But I only know you, and there's really no one to help, so there's no way..."

An Jin stopped.

He turned his head, looked at the girl for a few seconds, and smiled softly with his lips hooked. "Call your parents and transfer the money to you urgently, you can't, need me to teach you?"

Shen Ning was stunned for a moment, his face slightly red.

... An Jin smiled at her. very nice.

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