100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 825 Bamboo horse is very cold (62)


After hanging up, Yu Chu stared at his phone, touched his slightly hot face, then turned to put down the phone, walked to the window, and gently opened a corner of the curtain.

The lights were not turned on in her room, she leaned sideways in the shadows and quietly looked at the street lights downstairs.

In the shadows at the corner of the road, there is a girl.

——Actually, when he just met An Jin, the girl walked there, Yu Chuxiu was practicing martial arts, and he noticed it in an instant. And if I'm not mistaken, this person came back with An Jin.

An Jin also knew that someone had followed him here. But he didn't care, and he didn't tell her specifically... Maybe he felt that there was nothing to say.

Yu Chu rubbed his temples.

——Fortunately, she was able to understand Zhuma-Jun's troubling emotional intelligence, and knew that he was too lazy to tell her about it because he absolutely didn't care.

If it was another girl, she would have jumped up and asked why someone didn't tell her when they went home...

In the room opposite Anjia, the lights went out. Yu Chu glanced at it, and the phone suddenly rang again. She lowered her head to turn on the phone, and saw a two-word text message:

Good night.

Yu Chu curled the corners of his lips.

She put away her phone and continued to look downstairs lightly.

The girl in the shadow stood for a while, seemed to stomp her feet, turned and walked away in a huff.

Yu Chu put down the curtains, thought for a while, and slid her fingers across the edge of the phone, and the corners of her lips were slightly raised.

The next day, she really received a text message with an unfamiliar number, but asked her to meet, and arrogantly informed her that there was a problem with her family's business, and she would go bankrupt if she didn't come to meet.

Yu Chu was funny, he never imagined that Shen Ning would be able to come up with such an incompetent threatening text message.

She went to ask Ye's father and Ye's mother first. She didn't mention text messages, but just casually asked about business.

But her parents ducked and didn't tell her what happened. This was also the case in the previous life. It was useless to tell their daughter anyway. The parents of the Ye family did not want their daughter to worry. This matter was always supported by themselves.

Yu Chu didn't ask much, looked at Ye's father and Ye's mother, and finally just smiled and looked relaxed: "Then, Mom and Dad, I'll go out to play."

Only then did Ye's father and Ye's mother breathe a sigh of relief, and hurriedly nodded to send her out, and told her to have fun.

Yu Chu took out his mobile phone and went out the door, thinking slightly.

Parents don't want their daughters to know, and in their opinion they can't help themselves, so it's better to pretend they don't know.

She followed the location of her mobile phone, came to a cafe, and saw Shen Ning from a distance.

Seeing her coming, Shen Ning's eyes flickered, and she was amazed for a moment, then she smiled, stood up and said, "Here. I invited you here."

She thought that when Yu Chu came over, she would immediately ask about the text message, but unexpectedly, the girl sat down leisurely, raised her hand to call the waiter first, ordered a cup of tea slowly, and then looked up at her.

"..." Shen Ning felt unhappy for some reason, but held back and didn't say anything, just asked, "Did you read the text message?"

As soon as these words were spoken, the girl opposite looked at her inexplicably, "No, how come I have an address?" She said with a smile and looked Shen Ning up and down, "Said it was from the first academy. , it seems that the IQ is just average."

"You..." Shen Ning was stunned, then suppressed his anger, and couldn't help asking in surprise:

"You know I'm..."

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