100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 833 Bamboo horse is very cold (70)


Zhuma Jun stayed abroad for two years, and the story finally got on the right track of the original plot. Just like An Jin in the original plot, he became a professor at a young age, which is very in line with his indifferent and indifferent character.

However, the so-called indifference is also divided.

After becoming a professor, although he is still the goddess in the hearts of many girls, An Jin has grown from a young man in Zhilan Yushu to a beautiful and slender young man, wearing white clothes and holding books in his hands, looking very cold.

The professor never called by name, and left the class indifferently every day, but his class was always overcrowded, and some people even sat outside the classroom.

"Hey, have you heard that our professor is only in his twenties this year, so young..."

"Wow, so young, so powerful..."

The girls whispered. What they like most is to surround the professor and ask questions every time after class. The young professor will answer the general questions calmly, and it is a pleasure to see his delicate and beautiful eyebrows and beautiful and cold voice from a close distance.

Therefore, there are many people asking questions every time.

However, today, seeing that it was time for get out of class, and the students were all ready to ask questions, the professor's cell phone rang, and he looked down.

The students didn't care. The young professor taught calmly and solemnly, and it was not that he did not receive calls during class before, but he did not answer.

Under everyone's eyes, it was beyond everyone's expectations. This time, the professor gently placed the book on the lecture table. While picking up the phone with his long, white fingers, he took off the microphone attached to his neckline. He raised his eyes and evoked the students. With a slight smile on his lips, he lowered his eyes to answer the phone.

The students were buzzing about it all at once.

"Actually answered the phone..."

"Wow, I actually saw the professor smiling!"

"Ah that smile. It's like a little angel..."

"I've never seen a professor smile, he's so handsome!"

"A phone call for a smile is a good deal..."

The students whispered for a while before seeing the young professor hang up. Just when the get out of class bell rang, and before they were ready to ask questions on the stage, the indifferent young man on the stage raised his eyes slightly, picked up the book with his white fingers, and said in a low voice: "Sorry, I have to go home early to cook today, if you have any questions, please let me know. Say it again."

As he said that, without waiting for the students to show consternation, he turned around calmly and walked out of the classroom.

"What, what, the professor said to cook?"

Someone turned around in disbelief and asked the companion.

As a top research scholar in China, a famous professor, and a cold personality, at a young age, no one has ever linked him with cooking.

"The professor is married?"

"I've heard of this, but I haven't seen the professor's wife... It turns out that the professor is so fond of his wife?!"

"Ahhh, why don't I have a boyfriend like a professor! The country owes me a boyfriend..."

The students were grieving.

At this time, they don't know yet, and even more enviable things are yet to come.

A few years later, a national-level top young scholar, a domestic celebrity professor, a book "Floating Life" came out.

The book contains the love letters written by this indifferent and indifferent person for his wife, and also records every little bit of getting along with his wife since he can remember.

Childhood sweethearts, no guesses.

Always love, no matter how shallow.

Such fate, such feelings, such a beautiful life, make countless people envy and sigh.

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