100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 836 The boss is a beautiful girl (2)


Yu Chu stood up, went upstairs to change into a suit, and looked at the tall, pale boy in the mirror, with delicate facial features, but his demeanor was decadent and lonely.

Yu Chu looked left and right, tsk tsk.

Just like this, you can still lose so badly. The original owner will not use his appearance. With this appearance, even if she can't hook up with that coser, it's more than enough to fascinate Lin Ning'er. In order to make those two inexplicably superior, insulting and contemptuous people suffer, of course, it must be tit-for-tat.

With the way of the people, also treat the body of the people. When people like a person, but they are despised and insulted, those two people should also taste the same taste.

She was about to take off the earrings, but her fingers touched her ears, but stopped, and finally did not take them off.

Wearing a more gloomy and beautiful youth temperament.

She took out her sunglasses and went out.

Yu Chu went to the friend's house of the original owner's mother first.

Today's task, the top priority is to complete the original owner's wish first, the last task, because the deadline is very long, don't worry, but this time there is not much time, it is better to complete the original owner's wish as soon as possible, so as to exchange for the host, stay here forever world.

She had the key given by the owner of the house and opened the door easily. This family adopted the original owner because they were thinking about the property of the original owner's mother, and there was no kindness at all.

Yu Chu entered the door and happened to see Lin Ning'er coming down the stairs. Looking at each other, Lin Ning'er was stunned.

The person standing in front of the door, because of the backlight, looks tall and beautiful, and his facial features have a cold texture.

She was stunned, the boy had already closed the door, walked in, ignored her, and walked directly to the kitchen.

Only then did Lin Ning'er react, and hurriedly ran down the stairs, trotted to him, and stopped him.

"What are you doing, this is my house!"

Chu Zhao, who has always been timid, ignored her this time, opened the refrigerator over her, took out a bottle of water, unscrewed the cap, raised his head and took a sip, his eyes lowered.

When he lowered his eyes, his eyelashes were longer than those of girls. Lin Ning'er looked at it, stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but sarcastically said, "It's bad luck for boys and girls!"

The young man looked up at her.

Yu Chu recalled the usual expression of the Lord God in his heart - there is no way, that person is always very flirtatious by doing nothing. So if you want to be sultry, it's best to learn from him naturally.

She blinked.

Lin Ning'er blocked the refrigerator with her back, and looked at the tall and slender young man in front of her. There was no expression on the other's face.

There was still alcohol in his breath, but because he had washed, it was only a faint scent of wine. The black luster of the earrings lined the boy's eyebrows, revealing a hint of evil.

Lin Ning'er was completely stunned and asked subconsciously, "...What?"

The young man in front of him had a cold face, lowered his eyes slightly, and gently picked up the clothes on her shoulders with his fair fingers, "I have the key, don't come out in pajamas casually next time."

Lin Ning'er watched him get up, pushed her away, put the water bottle in the refrigerator, and turned away.

Two seconds later, she blushed and chased out angrily, "Chu...Chu Zhao! You!"

The man ignored it and left.

Lin Ning'er took a few deep breaths in anger, pressed her heart that was beating inexplicably, but became deeply puzzled.

Chu Zhao...he's not like that.

Although he is good-looking, he always has the ability to use his submissive timid appearance to suppress his outstanding appearance, so that people can't notice him at all...

how come……

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