100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 842 The boss is a beautiful girl (8)


When Yu Chu saw the fragments, he was in a good mood not to trouble the scumbag, and waited for a few days. After Lin Ninger couldn't help but called herself, she picked it up.

"Hello?" The boy's voice was low.

I don't know why, hearing this voice, Lin Ning'er's face became hot. She took a breath and couldn't help but say in a harsh tone, "Chu Zhao, you'd better come over quickly, or you'll wait for me..."

She originally wanted to say, "Wait for me to tell my parents, I was abandoned by my family"-because Chu Zhao lost his parents and was raised by her family, he didn't know that his mother had property, so he was always at the mercy of her family. Therefore, abandonment, this is definitely the most threatening reason for him.

And Lin Ning'er also knew that her family adopted him just for his mother's property. The poor man still didn't know, and was very grateful to her family.

Thinking of this, Lin Ning'er had a funny feeling. A poor bastard abandoned by her family at any time...

But before she could say the threat, the teenager smiled lightly, "How about waiting for you?"

Lin Ning'er was stunned for a moment. Everything I wanted to say was stopped by this random question.

The person over there smiled leisurely again, "You asked me to go without telling me the address, where do you want me to go?"

"..." Lin Ning'er stayed for a while before she said subconsciously, "I asked you to come to the comic, the comic exhibition..."

After she said the words, she realized that her voice was too delicate—she wouldn't talk to Chu Zhao like this.

Lin Ning'er's face darkened, and she wanted to raise her voice to say something, but she had already answered and hung up.

"..." Lin Ning'er stared at the handset.

The boy next to him came over and hugged her flatteringly, "Ning'er, why, he made you angry again?"

Lin Ning'er turned to look at the boy.

The boy's name is Wei Yi, and he is not professional in cosplay. Because many girls like this, he deliberately dressed up a few times and used this to deceive girls.

He was a little sincere towards Lin Ning'er. After all, Lin Ning'er's family seemed to be very rich, and she herself was very good-looking—white and beautiful, with long legs.

As he asked, he leaned over and hugged the girl's waist, but was pushed away, Lin Ning'er pushed his hand away, stared at the phone and took a breath, looking angry.

"You brought it on yourself..." She dropped her phone on the sand, squinting her eyes, gloomy.


At the same time, the Chen family villa.

"Boss...what are you looking at?"

In the spacious villa, the sun shines in through the floor-to-ceiling windows, creating a riot of light and shadow. On the sand, a doll-like beautiful girl supported her fair forehead with an inexplicable expression.

The remaining few sons and brothers looked at each other strangely, and followed his line of sight again - only to see the mobile phone on the table, motionless and quiet.

"Boss...what are you looking at?"

Several people were very puzzled.

The boss looked at the phone for a long time.

After listening to the question, the young man put down his hand, slowly tidied up his cuffs, raised a pair of light brown beautiful pupils, suddenly hooked his lips, and sneered.

The sons and brothers shivered.

The boss sneered like this last time, and the consequences were very serious... What happened? Didn't you escape successfully last time, why did you suddenly feel bad again?

Chen Chu ignored them, picked up the phone and went upstairs, walked to his room, pushed the door in, and threw it on.

The people downstairs looked at each other.

The young man leaned his back against the door and gritted his teeth slightly.

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