100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 846 The boss is a beautiful girl (12)


Yu Chu felt that the eyes he looked at him were full of hostility, but he didn't care, just looked at Lin Ning'er.

The boy's dark pupils stared at him intently, Lin Ning'er felt that her breathing was a little uncomfortable, and for some reason, her whole body became slightly uncomfortable.

She suppressed this inexplicable feeling, stood up, raised her chin, and said condescendingly, "There is an event at the comic exhibition today, I asked you to come and help."

In Lin Ning'er's impression, in the past, being given orders in such a condescending manner, Chu Zhao would have blushed long ago, and bowed his head in embarrassment and did not speak.

But this time, the boy just nodded casually, his voice faintly oh, he turned to look at another girl in the team, and asked with a smile: "Hello, what should I wear to participate in the event?"

The girl who was asked was stunned, her eyes met the smile on the pale face of the boy, the black earrings flashed slightly, the girl's face turned red in an instant, and she hurriedly searched for clothes, "You, you wear this..."

Yu Chu was very happy to casually flirt with her sister, but Lin Ning'er next to her was about to explode with anger after being stunned for a while.

This Chu Zhao!

To actually hook up with girls in front of her?

She rushed forward angrily, snatched the clothes from the girl's hands, threw them on the sand next to them, and then pulled out another one, raised her eyebrows and said badly, "You wear this!"

Yu Chu looked down.

Japanese samurai uniform.

There is nothing special about this dress, that is, the whole body is dark, tightly wrapped, and some need to wear a black face scarf on their faces, and there is no ornamental value for the clothes.

Generally, the coser of the comic exhibition will not wear so simple.

Yu Chu looked up at Lin Ning'er.

Lin Ning'er chose this outfit for her, probably because she wanted to tease her. It doesn't matter if she wants this event or not, Lin Ning'er insists on calling someone, and then giving her such an uncharacteristic set of clothes, just let her come to soy sauce.

If you change to the original owner, you may feel that you are being played with, but Yu Chu doesn't care, and takes the clothes: "Okay."

Lin Ning'er was stunned.

This sound was good without any emotion, but it made her ears hot for some reason, and the whole person took a step back.

She is teasing him!

Why is he so calm?

When she said "Okay" calmly, there seemed to be a cold Enron, which made Lin Ning'er feel a little throbbing in her heart.

At this time, Wei Yi, who had been silent for a while, saw Lin Ning'er's blushing face, and finally couldn't help but take a step forward, blocking the two of them from looking at each other, and said to Yu Chu unfriendly: "Go inside and change your clothes. ."

The boy's eyes turned to him.

Wei Yi looked at him, gritted his teeth slightly, and a strange feeling filled his heart.

Chu Zhao... don't you like yourself?

But when I saw myself today, as if I didn't see it, I just ignored it and didn't say a word.

too weird.

At this moment, he took the initiative to talk to Chu Zhao, and the man just glanced at him and left with his clothes at will.

Wei Yi couldn't help being stunned for a while, but before he could figure it out, Lin Ning'er, who was hugged by him, suddenly broke free.

She raised her eyes to look at the young man's back, and then turned to Wei Yi. Her voice was a little strange, and she said thoughtfully, "Chu Zhao... doesn't seem to like you anymore?"

Wei Yi's heart skipped a beat.

What does this mean? Is she...

He quickly hugged Lin Ning'er again and kissed her face, "That disgusting gay! I don't like men, Ning'er, I like you."

This time, Lin Ning'er did not despise Chu Zhao with him as before, but did not say a word.

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