100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 866 The boss is a beautiful girl (22)


He stood up obediently, and his beautiful eyes glanced at Yu Chu from time to time. Yu Chu held back, looked straight ahead without looking sideways, and kept a distance from him.

- Tsundere, a model of duplicity. How to deal with duplicity? Of course, the surface followed his will and stayed away, let's see how long this person can endure.


Yu Chu was amused in his heart, but his face remained unchanged. After standing up, he smiled at the girls taking pictures.

The cold warrior wore a face towel, his exposed eyes were slightly curved, and his white fingers held the hilt at his waist, looking clean and handsome. The girls took pictures one after another, and whispered with star eyes, all of which were complimenting the handsome boy.

Some girls even blushed and asked for contact information.

The atmosphere here is warm, but next to it, the beautiful little princess has a cold face, her long eyelashes hanging down and she doesn't say a word.

Qiancha's eyes swept across the blushing faces of the girls in front of her, Chen Chu's eyelashes moved, and she pursed her lips coldly.

Take another look at the person next to him - he is actually very easy-going, smiling at everyone.

……what's so funny?

Isn't it a woman? He never smiled at women.

He doesn't smile at men either.

Where does he look like this guy, what a laugh!

The young man bit his lip slightly, and the pretty lips were biting out small teeth marks, he turned his face and let go, his slender eyelashes reflected the light, and he was as indifferent as snow.

Finally, a girl summoned the courage and asked the beautiful girl, "Miss, can I take a picture?"

The girl raised her eyes, her brown and beautiful eyes swept over, her inherent noble temperament brought a momentary icy aura, and the girl took a step back in fright.

The legendary look kills people... This kind of look has aura, isn't it really a noble daughter...

The girl swallowed, not daring to provoke.

Yu Chu next to him looked at it for a few seconds, thinking that he had almost dried up the person, and then he should really be angry.

So she stretched out her hand, put it lightly on the beautiful girl's shoulder, and pulled the boss towards her, while she stepped forward and wrapped one hand around the waist of the little princess.

"Sorry, she doesn't like to shoot the front, you can shoot like this."

Chen Chu was pulled close by her, and the waist was held by someone. The young man blinked his eyelashes in a daze, and the expression on his delicate face was blank.

How did he know he didn't want to take pictures...

The young man was slightly stiff, being held around his waist, his delicate face like a doll was buried at the side of the man's neck, the breath of the other man lingered, and the earrings flashed slightly.

He originally wanted to push the person away, but his white fingers pressed against the person's arm, but he didn't exert any force, silently lowered his eyelashes in silence, finally paused, carefully raised his delicate chin, and placed it lightly on the person's shoulder.

The boy blinked.

It's rare that he doesn't hate a hug.

Strange though. Why doesn't he hate it?

But I don't want to think about it right now. The close distance is very comfortable, making people feel slightly pleasant unconsciously.

The young master silently let others hold him, and finally raised his chin, thinking coldly, let him hold him for a while...

The proud princess was embraced by the warrior boy, and the girls exclaimed and took pictures excitedly.

Although I couldn't take a picture of Her Royal Highness's face, the back was just as beautiful. The girls were so excited to take pictures. Someone carefully took out a cat ear card and asked tentatively, "Miss, can you wear it? Is this? It's cute!"


Hearing this word, Xiaobawang's face darkened.

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