100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 916 The boss is a beautiful girl (31)


kiss again?

Yu Chu didn't expect this guy to ask.

She stared at the fair and delicate face of the young man, and the other party stared at her with a stiff and tense expression.

Yu Chu felt that his hand pulling his sleeve was a little tight, as if he was struggling.

Oh, this guy thinks she's a boy...

The idea of ​​a prank devil popped up, Yu Chu glanced at him itchingly, and decided not to confess first.

But jokes have to be measured... If you see that this guy is in a bad mood, just confess quickly.

She pinched the boy's face, sighed, and said deliberately, "I'm sorry, I kissed you while you were drunk."

The big princess blinked, her eyelashes moving slightly.

Yu Chu knew that he was not too drunk, but he still retained a little consciousness. But she pretended that he was completely drunk, pinched his face, and pretended to be melancholy: "You want me to kiss you now, it must be because... drunk?"

Chen Chu was stunned and grabbed her hand.

The young man's phalanges were slender and beautiful, fair in color, slightly warm to the touch, and he held her tightly.

"Chu..." He tried his best to open his eyes, kept a little awake, and opened his lips dazedly.

"Yeah." Yu Chu held his hand instead, not giving him a chance to speak, suddenly lowered his head and said warmly:

"I like you."

The boy froze for a moment.

He opened his light tea eyes, slightly dazed.

It was as if she didn't understand what she was saying, and it was as if she didn't understand why she said that. Or do not understand.

Drunkenness affects reactivity.

Yu Chu resisted the urge to laugh.

She pondered giving Shard a reasonable reason, lest his now dizzy head be turned around.

"I thought you were a girl before, and I liked you a little bit. Maybe it was love at first sight... Now I know you are a boy, but I still like it very much."

Yu Chu glanced at Fragment's face:

"After all, you look really good-looking."


At the beginning, Chen Chu was still listening in a daze, until he heard the last sentence, the young Qiancha's eyes suddenly widened.

He was silent for a few seconds, and pushed the person away angrily:

"What are you, at first sight..."

Yu Chu was pushed away slightly by him, the young master widened his eyes, and said fiercely and aggrieved:

"You're seeing the color... the color is intriguing!"

He drank and stuttered a little, but his anger was not fake. He leaned against the table with his white fingers, and staggered to his feet, biting his teeth slightly.

It's strange that Chen Chu is not angry.

Young Master, he hated this face the most in his life, and he never thought he would wear women's clothes, and he never thought he liked boys...

The result is now - wearing a princess dress, inexplicably kissing a boy, this person actually said that he liked his face!

The young man gritted his teeth, feeling unbearably wronged.

What is this!

Little Bawang has been in the capital since he was a child, what scenes have you never seen before? Everyone said that the young master of the Chen family was dignified and indifferent and extremely difficult to provoke... This man dared to treat him like this.

The young man stood up with his light tea eyes staring at each other, his cold appearance showed a hint of indifference of a noble young master, his fair chin was delicate and cold, and he said solemnly:

"I don't like men, stay away from me."

Hearing this, Yu Chu slightly released his hand and stepped back, so as not to really annoy the little princess. She touched her chin:

"Then you like girls?"

The boy's thin lips moved, but he didn't speak.

The man let go of his hand and moved away from him, the breath disappeared, and the distance between the two was inexplicably empty.

Hearing him ask, Chen Chu gritted his teeth slightly, but didn't dare to answer. He stared at Yu Chu.

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