100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 939 The boss is a beautiful girl (54)


He blushed and stared at the person in front of him. He glanced at the girl next to him, gritted his teeth and said, "Don't you like men, why don't you have a girlfriend? It's not just playing tricks and cheating feelings..."

Yu Chu raised his eyebrows slightly, "If you like a man, you don't necessarily like you, what's your business?"

When the big guy next to him heard it, he immediately lowered his eyes in delight, restrained himself, and raised his hand to hug her waist.

Wei Yi was stunned, as if he had caught the loophole in her words, and half raised his body: "Then you admit that you like men? You like men..."

"None of your business." Yu Chu said leisurely.

"When you were chasing me, everyone in the regiment knew." Wei Yi was a little annoyed after hearing her repeatedly stressing that it was none of her business. He clearly likes him!

But after a pause, Wei Yi held back his anger and sneered slightly: "Okay, even if you don't like me, but you admit that you like men, why are you still harming the girl's family?"

He turned to Chen Chu: "You heard, he really likes men, you should be sober, don't..."

He said, but saw the black-clothed boy curled his lips and smiled, kissed his little girlfriend's forehead, and said slowly: "You don't mind this, even if I like men, I would like to be harmed by me, right? Ah Chu ?"

His voice was gentle.

The beautiful girl in her arms was stunned for a moment, and then in Wei Yi's horrified eyes, she nodded very obediently, and took the initiative to kiss him on the cheek.

Wei Yi: "..."

He looked at the girl in disbelief: "He said he liked men! He also admitted that he was hurting you, you, you don't mind? You just let him..."

Before she finished speaking, the girl frowned impatiently, and simply hugged the neck of the black-clothed boy, rubbed her blushing lips up to kiss, and then turned her head to look at Wei Yi, raised her white chin, and said clearly: See? clear?

Wei Yi: "..."

He felt that his life had been disillusioned.


But he was envious and jealous to the extreme, and the extreme emotions made his face slightly distorted.

Yu Chu felt almost stimulated, so he nodded in satisfaction: "I'm here today to tell you the good news, aren't you disgusting me, don't be disgusting in the future, I have a girlfriend, and I will be dedicated in the future."

Wei Yi's face was even more ugly.

Yu Chu went out with his little girlfriend in his arms, thinking a little in his heart. As soon as Wei Yi was stimulated, he definitely wanted to bring it up in front of Lin Ning'er, but if Lin Ning'er couldn't hold back her breath, the Lin family might speed up their actions against her mother's property.

It was a bit too obvious to directly anger Lin Ning'er and provoke the Lin family. It would be bad if it got caught.

The Lin family thought she didn't know anything about property, but this knowledge helped her to conceal her plan.

"Let's piss him off today?" The big guy next to him seemed a little puzzled, raised his eyes and asked in a low voice.

Yu Chu smiled slightly:

"There is another place I want to take you to."


Half an hour later, the car stopped in front of a nursing home in the suburbs, and Chen Chu raised his eyes and glanced at the building.

The white and plain building looks like there is no variegated color, which makes people feel a little depressed.

He glanced at the sign: Mental Sanatorium.

"Your mother is here?" He understood immediately.

"Well." The girl in men's clothing closed the car door, nodded, and reached out to him, "Come."

As Chen Chu raised his hand to hold it, he couldn't help raising the corners of his lips sweetly, and followed her towards the inside.

The two came to the front desk hand in hand.

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