100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 942 The boss is a beautiful girl (57)


Yu Chu rarely heard such an angry voice from him.

Cold and aggrieved. Across the phone, it seems that you can see the young man gritted his teeth and slightly angry.

Chen Chu is really annoyed now.

The phone call just now was just a daily routine of good night. He didn't expect the girl to be with Lin Ning'er.

The matter of living together originally, the young master was not in a hurry.

Although, after staying with the other party for one night, now sleeping by myself, it always feels weird...

But this kind of thing can't be rushed. Asking it too early seems to be too reserved... The young man was a little awkward, and he thought he should mention it later.

But this guy was not at home so late, so he was with Lin Ning'er... So he was at Lin's house?

Even if she knew that Lin Ning'er was deliberately making trouble, Chen Chu still felt a fire in her heart and was extremely dissatisfied.

How can you live anywhere else.

Don't worry.

It's better to live here than anywhere else!

Yu Chu on the other end of the phone heard him grit his teeth, and immediately nodded his head smoothly: "Okay, I'll go out now, I'll stay at Lin's house... But it's so late, it's too troublesome to go to your place, I'll drive back by myself. Just go home. Go to bed early."

The boy's hand holding the phone paused. He raised his eyes and looked at the starlight outside the window, frowning in dissatisfaction: "I asked you to come out, it's not unreasonable..."

Yu Chu was stunned for a while, and couldn't help laughing, "I know, it's not unreasonable, darling, go to sleep."

"I asked you to come out. How could I let you go back alone? It's so late, and the road is not safe. You stay here and I'll pick you up."

Yu Chu held his forehead and had to compromise.

After coming out of the room, Lin's father and mother, who were about to go to bed, were taken aback for a moment, and quickly asked her what was wrong. Yu Chu explained a few words at random, and then went out and left.

Lin's father and Lin's mother were very puzzled. Lin Ning'er, who happened to hear the movement, also ran out to see. When she learned that Chu Zhao had left, she immediately understood that this was to coax her little girlfriend.

Lin Ning'er's face sank.

Yu Chu left, no need to pretend to be kind, Father Lin pondered: "You all heard what he said today, he said that the woman was talking nonsense, always on the side of the park road, there is a boat near the sea... …”

Mother Lin nodded and said, "Could that be where the woman put things? There are a few abandoned boats over the sea, so it's very convenient to hide things..."

"Let's have a look tomorrow." Father Lin pondered and turned to look at Lin Ning'er, "Is there any problem with this kid Chu Zhao, he doesn't seem to know about property, and he doesn't know if he is really pretending. You should pay more attention. he."

Lin Ning'er sneered, "Pretend? How can he have such a high IQ. Recently... I got a girlfriend and I'm busy. How can I have time to fight with us."

Father Lin nodded. But Mother Lin heard the yin and yang in her daughter's words and couldn't help but glance at her.

Lin Ning'er turned her head to avoid her gaze.


After Yu Chu came out of Lin's house, he found a convenience store along the street corner and bought a random instant noodles. The handsome appearance of the young man made the waiter take a few more glances.

His fingers tapped on the table at will, Yu Chu thought about what he had put in the boat, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

After the instant noodles were soaked, she returned to her seat and ate slowly. When she was about to finish eating, a car stopped in front of the door.

The slender boy got out of the car, saw her through the bright glass, closed the door and entered.

He didn't wear women's clothes, only a simple pure white top with a black coat on the outside. The boy was slender, with beautiful brown eyes, as if he had stepped out of a painting.

Yu Chu raised his eyebrows.

...I always feel that this guy grows very fast.

Is it her illusion?

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