100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 950 The boss is a beautiful girl (65)


"What's the matter, it's so late, who is it?" Mother Lin mumbled, ignoring it, and continued to roll over to sleep. But the doorbell kept ringing.

Father Lin was also annoyed, put on his clothes and got up, took the cigarette by the bedside and lit it, frowned and got out of bed to open the door: "Maybe a friend is in a hurry."

Seeing him get out of bed, Mother Lin reluctantly opened her eyes and had to put on her clothes and get up.

When the couple walked out of the room door, they saw that Lin Ning'er's room was also open. She walked out sleepily and asked impatiently, "Who is it?"

Mother Lin didn't answer, Father Lin had already turned on the light, went to the door smoking a cigarette, and glanced at the cat's eye.

He frowned, "This uniform, from the property? What are you doing here so late... The family downstairs has a lot of things to do, so they won't complain about anything else."

Hearing this, Mother Lin's expression also changed, and she said impatiently: "I complained last time, and it's not our fault that the water pipe is not repaired well... If you want me to tell you, when you sell something, you have to change it first. house……"

"Shh." Father Lin motioned her not to mention it, then opened the door and asked impatiently, "What's the matter, what's the matter? That water pipe really..."

Before he finished speaking, the dark muzzle was aimed at the center of his eyebrows. Father Lin shook his hand and the cigarette went out.

The other two people walked in, each holding a gun and facing the family of three in the Lin family. One of them narrowed his eyes: "Come with us."

There can be no trouble in the city, after all, this is the capital.

Father Lin followed stiffly.

Mother Lin was so frightened that her nose and tears came out, her legs were so soft that she could barely walk, and was pushed all the way by the man in black behind. The man was so strong that when he pushed her, her shoulders were aching, but he didn't dare to make a sound.

Lin Ning'er's face was pale.

Suddenly, those antiques came to her mind.

How can you provoke someone with a gun in your own home? The only possibility is those antiques whose origins are unknown... There is indeed a problem with their origins.

She gritted her teeth, her mind was in chaos.

The group was pushed into the car.

Three hours later, they were taken to a boat near the sea. This is still an abandoned ship, but it is not the one that Father Lin found antique.

"Boss, someone brought it here." The man in black with a gun whispered while pushing Father Lin forward.

Father Lin's legs softened and he knelt down with a plop.

The boss squinted his eyes and looked at him, a little funny: "You, dare to steal my things?"

Father Lin was shocked, trembling slightly, and asked, "What... I don't know."

"It's all found in your house, and what are you pretending to be with me..." The middle-aged man called the boss sneered, and said inexplicably, "You're very courageous, you know that the capital is not easy to make trouble, so you dare to touch my bad head. I heard that you are looking for buyers these days? Why, it is not enough to grab it, and you have to sell things for money? "

Father Lin now understood what the middle-aged man in front of him was referring to—those antiques.

There was chaos in his mind, and he thought numbly, isn't that something belonging to the Chu family, is the inheritance that the woman is going to leave to Chu Zhao... How could someone else be involved, or such a terrifying force with a gun?

He swallowed, "I really don't know, that's what we picked up from the boat..."

The boss laughed.

"No, no, I didn't pick it up," Lin's father said incoherently, "Someone, someone framed..."

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