100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 959 Ghost-faced General (5)


The general asked no more.

His long legs were wrapped in black boots. In addition to the cold sword, there was also a lustrous jade pendant around his waist, which made the young man stand tall and languid.

"It's all right with my dear princess. The carriage will soon enter the city." The soldier reported again in a low voice.

The general nodded casually and didn't care, picked a grape with his white fingers and handed it to the crimson lips.

The grapes were slightly sour, and the general narrowed his eyes.

His eyes are very beautiful, the silver mask covers his face, but the dark pupils are visible, and the broken light is shining.

"Let the housekeeper settle it, don't disturb me."

The magnetic, slightly cool voice was nonchalant.

"Yes." The soldier took the order.


When they finally arrived at Nanling Mansion, Yu Chu got off the carriage, and was immediately greeted by a white butler who led them into the garden with a kind smile on his face.

The garden that was placed for her was so clean and beautiful that no one could find any dissatisfaction, but the place was very remote.

It is obvious that they do not want them to disturb the master's house.

The accompanying maid was still in shock, and she breathed a sigh of relief when she entered Nanling Mansion. Looking around, she couldn't help but whisper: "The general sent private troops to pick you up, probably to support you, but why did the Nanling House butler let us live in this remote place?"

Why else.

I used her as a target.

Now, it is natural to throw it away after using it.

Yu Chu didn't answer, and politely thanked the housekeeper.

The housekeeper stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Your Highness the Princess is resting. The day after tomorrow, Prince Bamo will come to the palace to pick you up in person, you can wait with peace of mind."

Yu Chupi nodded with a smile.

It seemed that the young ghost-faced king didn't even plan to meet her princess.

After sending the housekeeper away and hitting the maid, Yu Chu went back to the room and lay on the bed, thinking a little.

The day after tomorrow, the country of Bamo will come to pick up people, and it is absolutely impossible to have a relationship, so we can only think of a way before the day after tomorrow.

I came to Nanling Mansion because I wanted the system to determine the identity of the Ghost Face King. If it was a piece of debris, she would find a way to form an alliance with this person—a person who the emperor would not dare to mess with, and the living King of Hell, who made the Bamo Kingdom fearful and guarded the border, was absolutely capable of helping her escape the marriage.

If it's not a shard, think otherwise.

After turning around in his head, Yu Chu got up from the bed and silently began to practice martial arts.

I practiced until the night, during which the maid came in to deliver a meal once, and took a shower before going to bed. Waiting for her to put on the single clothes for sleeping, the maid guards the outer room and collapses.

Yu Chu turned over: "Go out and sleep in the guest room. I want to be alone."

Outside the screen, the maid was stunned.

Thinking that this was Her Royal Highness's last few nights in Lingguo, the maid hesitated and replied in a low voice.

She left the room and closed the door.

Yu Chu closed his eyes.


hours later.

The night was already deep, Yu Chu opened his eyes and asked the system, "Can you sense debris?"

"I can only scan it once I see it. I haven't seen it yet, so I can't sense it." The system replied.

"you are vicious."

"..." It wasn't what it thought.

Yu Chu got up from the bed, sensed the force value, walked to the mirror, took out the dressing box that he carried with him, and took a hairpin at will.

This room is obviously not for girls, and the furnishings are neat and neat. I heard that there are no women in Nanling Mansion except for the necessary maids.

tsk tsk.

Yu Chu rolled up his head, fixed it with a hairpin casually, and went to climb the window in a single coat.

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