100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 962 Ghost-faced General (8)


"You don't want to negotiate peace, but if I am sent to Bamo to be with my relatives, the overall situation of the negotiation has been decided. In the short term, the two countries will not fight again. For Bamo, it is to give them time to recuperate. Do you want this?"

To meet the girl's calm and rational eyes, the general in black narrowed his eyes slightly.

Crow-colored silk brushed across the silver face, revealing a beautiful white chin. He seemed to tick the thin lips, and then lowered his eyes, and said lazily with unknown meaning:

"It doesn't matter."

"..." This person is too deep, is he really only twenty years old... He speaks without leaking.

Yu Chu said: "Have you ever heard of hiding from the sky, using a knife to kill people, and making noises?"

The feathered eyelashes under the general's silver face blinked slightly.

"At this time, I will fight with Bamo again. I don't know whether Jin Huan is an enemy or a friend. It is really difficult. But now, you can send troops to the flank of Bamo, and declare to the outside world that they are ready to form an alliance with Jin Huan. No one would have thought that the troops are no longer in the city. , this plan is called hiding from the sky and crossing the sea.”

"Declare an alliance with Jin Huan, and make an undisclosed declaration, only secretly send the troops in the city to Jin Huan, commensurate with allies, causing Bamo to be suspicious of Jin Huan. One is to cooperate with the transfer of forces to hide the sky and the sea, and the other is to provoke the two countries. Disputes are called killing people with a knife.”

"The third step is to send troops. When Bamo and Jin Huan are enemies, and they think that Nanling City's troops are strong and guard against the frontal forces of Nanling City, they can be caught off guard from the other side.

The girl spoke every word, and the cold wind ruffled her black length, but the words in the wind were still clear.

Only wearing a single shirt, dignified and resourceful.

The eyes under the silver face blinked slightly, and the general dropped a chess piece on the chessboard at will, and said calmly, "Princess Tangtang... There are a lot of tricks."

"No." The girl raised her head, her pretty face was calm, "The trick on the battlefield is called the art of war."

The general smiled.

Yu Chu looked stunned.

Since seeing him, the 20-year-old youth has always been calm and sultry, but when he smiles, he is unexpectedly charming. Under the silver mask, Fei's thin lips twitched, as if she was in a very happy mood.

"The premise of all this is that I can't go and kiss. You promise to protect me, but also help yourself."

Yu Chu finally said nervously.

Will the thoughtful guy say yes?

She stared at each other's delicate silver mask.

The man was not in a hurry to answer, he continued to drop a piece slowly, and asked leisurely, "Why doesn't the princess want to marry? I heard that Bamo folk customs are very interesting."

Yu Chu bit his lip and said aggrievedly: "General finds it interesting, go and kiss yourself."


Finally, the other party was speechless. Looking at his eyes under the silver mask, Yu Chu was refreshed.

She straightened her waist a little, and said indifferently, neither humble nor arrogant: "With all that said, this princess is back."

After saying this, she was about to take a step when she realized that her legs were frozen.

The girl shrank slightly, but the expression on her face was not obvious. She touched her arm and walked away.

The man behind didn't speak.

It wasn't until the girl's figure disappeared that he suddenly stretched out his long legs and walked slowly to where she was standing just now, staring at the holes left by the chess pieces on the ground.

After watching it for a few seconds, he indifferently retracted his gaze, ignored the chess piece in the ground, and turned to leave.


The consequence of crawling out in the middle of the night to get cold is that, when he wakes up the next day, Yu Chu sneezes.

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