100 Ways to Get the Male God

#965 ghost general (11)


During the few days he stayed in the General's Mansion, Yu Chu had exhausted his thoughts for the strategy.

Fragment's thoughts are deep, and maybe she doesn't like the same minded, Yu Chu doubts her previous performance, she seems too cunning... So in the next few days, she worked hard to play a kind and lovely princess.

Make something by hand and send it, but the other party politely refuses.

Encountered by chance in the house, pretended to fall in front of him.

In order to be realistic, she actually sprained her ankle and barely stood up, but this person didn't even glance at him, and directly signaled his subordinates to help her back.

shit. cool.

Yu Chu was politely helped back by the soldiers, and the maid asked her where she had gone alone in surprise. Yu Chu shook her head sadly and wiped away her lasagna tears.

This piece is so hard to deal with.

But he also has a big problem.

——Maybe it’s because Fragment has always been too good to attack, so she actually doesn’t know how to attack at all. This plane needs to be carefully thought out.

But there was not much time left for her.

The requirement for the host to fulfill her wish is half a year, and she must fulfill her wish within six months.

Fragments are too hard to work on, no time to waste here.

It is better to go back to the capital first, complete the task within the specified time, and then consider the strategy.

Yu Chu made a decision in his heart that he didn't dare to climb the wall this time, worried that the fragments would really feel that he didn't have any self-respect.

Although she just climbed his wall... But the fragments are not familiar with her again, and it would be bad if they misunderstood.

When Yu Chu went to say goodbye, the other party was in the study. In the past, she would not be allowed to enter the door, but this time, for some reason, she was let in.

Yu Chu didn't hold out hope at first, but she didn't expect the guards to give way, and she was suddenly a little surprised.

Walking in with her skirt in hand, she saw Nan Lin standing in front of a military map, the silver mask covering the young man's beautiful eyebrows, slightly drooping, and his posture was lazy.

Besides him, there was another woman in the study.

Yu Chu held up her skirt and was a little surprised, so she couldn't help but glance at the woman a few times.

The woman also smiled at her.

It's just that smile, which is somewhat indescribable.

This woman is undoubtedly extremely beautiful. Although Chu's appearance is worse today, she is better than her mature charm. Sexy temptation is unmatched by girls.

However, why is there a woman in Nantong's study?

Yu Chu knew that Fragment had always kept himself clean, and he didn't misunderstand anything, just a little strange.

The woman bowed to her: "His Royal Highness."

Yu Chu nodded casually, then turned to the standing general in black and said, "I'm here to say goodbye to the general."

Nan Lin raised his eyes, and the light under the silver mask casually swept across the girl's cheeks.

He looked away, didn't speak to Yu Chu, just said lightly to the woman, "Go out."

"Yes." The woman bowed her head respectfully, then hesitated slightly, and whispered shyly, "Sir, if this is done, can Wan'er ask the lord to make a wish?"

The general tapped the corner of the table with his fair fingers, glanced at her, and said casually, "Yes."

The woman left happily, and before leaving, she glanced at Yu Chu with a vague look.

Yu Chu didn't speak, until the woman walked out of the study, and she reminded: "The general didn't ask for any wishes, so he agreed to her hastily, in case..."

Nan Lin didn't care, his eyes swept across the military map, and he said lazily, "I've just stayed under my command enough, I just want to get rid of the corps and get my freedom back."

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