100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 973 Ghost-faced General (19)


The emperor sighed for a moment and asked in a low voice, "Good boy, why are you wearing this pair of earrings today? These earrings are dark in color and are not suitable for a little girl like you."

The girl quickly raised her eyes to look at him, seemingly hesitant, and finally lowered her head and said in a low voice, "My daughter wants her mother and concubine to see her father once more."

See things and think people. Wearing earrings means that the mother will see the emperor again, which is understandable.


The emperor wondered: "Complete?"

"Mother left two things for my father, one is earrings," the girl said softly, bowing her head timidly, "the same is a daughter. The father wants to see his daughter today, and the daughter wants to bring the earrings with her."

There was silence in the hall.

The emperor was stunned for a while, then suddenly took a breath and murmured, "Good boy."

He had never seen her in all these years.

Seeing her now, she may know that this is a rare opportunity, so she specially wears her mother's earrings to express her mother's heart during her lifetime.

But when he asked her to come, he was still guilty.

I just saw her blushing eyes, and even misunderstood her.

Compared with the child's wholeheartedness, the Sixth Princess's petty fuss is nothing to worry about.

The emperor stood up in person, and under the disbelief in the eyes of the sixth princess, he stretched out his hand to help the girl over and asked her to sit down, and then asked, "I see that your knees are inconvenient when you salute, but what's the problem?"

The girl was stunned for a while, as if she didn't expect him to notice this, she blinked her eyes and replied in a low voice, "Father, it's fine... I caught the cold at the border, and sometimes it hurts, but I've used medicine."

The sixth princess gritted her teeth.

Naturally, she didn't notice Yu Chu's intentional "inconvenience of movement", but felt that her father was suddenly so attentive to Mu Chu, that she could see even small movements clearly.

How about finding a place for yourself? Why do you care about Mu Chu instead? Just because Mu Chu mentioned her mother?

They've been dead for so many years!

The ghost lingers!

The sixth princess gritted her teeth angrily, and when she heard the girl's knee pain, she couldn't help sneering: "How long did the fifth sister stay at the border before she contracted the cold?"

She spoke strangely, obviously dissatisfied.

The emperor glanced at her, and did not blame her because of his affection for her. But because of Yu Chu's performance just now, he didn't say anything to help the sixth princess.

Yu Chu, on the other hand, gave the sixth princess a funny look, then lowered her head and said "softly": "Sixth sister don't have to worry about it, it's not the cold, it's just a cold, a small problem."

The emperor waved his hand, "The imperial physician is here."

After he finished speaking, he said kindly to Yu Chu: "It's inevitable that you will make mistakes in applying the medicine yourself. Let the imperial doctor see it."

The girl pursed her lips and said, "Thank you, Father."

The sixth princess couldn't help but get more angry at this moment, and the emperor even called the imperial physician to see Mu Chu.

But she didn't stop.

Only she knew what Mu Chu was like in the cold palace just now, and now the weakness is all pretense!

The knees must also be installed. How long did Mu Chu stay at the border gate, how could he get sick so quickly?

In order to deal with himself, he told all kinds of lies, and called the imperial doctor to take a look, just to expose her.

Amid the concerns of several people, the imperial physician hurried over with the female disciple and screened everyone away. The female disciple exposed the girl's calf to diagnose.

Only the sixth princess and the emperor stayed in the inner hall. Seeing his daughter Bai Nen's calf, the emperor felt a little pity in his heart, and then he was stunned by the redness and swelling of the knee.

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