100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 978 Ghost-faced General (24)


"Of course I won't forget." Yu Chu nodded.

"That's not necessarily true," Nan Lin raised his lips, half a smile, "The princess is looking for a new backer to please the emperor. It's understandable. I won't interfere in the destruction. I'm just worried that the princess will soon be out of control."

Yu Chu blinked. It seems that this person already knows everything about what happened in the palace.

Sure enough, it is strategizing and thinking deeply.


This situation is probably under his control.

Even she felt that people with this character were really scary... There was nothing in the world that he couldn't control.

She thought about it for a while, but didn't say anything like asking you to believe me, but just analyzed the situation and said: "I have limited favor with my father, and I can't do without the general's help in a short time, so the general can rest assured. "

With this kind of shrewd person, analyzing the objective interest situation can reassure him. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

After all, he wouldn't trust people's hearts either.

Nan Lin looked at her for a long time, then lowered his eyes, smiled with his lips hooked, and said lightly, "That's very good."

Yu Chu finally said goodbye before turning around and leaving the room.

Nan Lin's eyes swept across the stove, and he was silent for a while, then looked away and walked back to the desk.


Yu Chu returned to the palace, and the next day, he was ready to take revenge on the sixth princess and the heartless man, the champion.

According to the original owner's wish, revenge on the champion is to ruin his reputation. And revenge on the sixth princess is to let her also taste the feeling of being robbed of love by Hengdao.

How should this plan be implemented...

Yu Chu thought about it, and when he was having dinner with the emperor, when jokingly asked her if she had a favorite concubine, he mentioned the name of the champion by the way. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

pay off.

It's a good name. The scumbag's debt has to be paid off.

Fu Qing and the sixth princess were just giving and receiving privately at this time, and the news had not yet reached the emperor's ears. The emperor did not know about this, and thought that Fu Qing was still single.

In addition, Fu Qing was the former champion, and now he has held an official position. He has done a good job. He is humble and polite, and the emperor also thinks that he is a good candidate for consort.

He graciously promised Yu Chu that he would help her ask for the payment first, and then decree the marriage.

Yu Chu just smiled.

She brushes the emperor's favor every day, and now, the emperor is very interested in her daughter.

In addition, there is a comparison of the six princesses who are Jiaoman. It seems that the fifth princess is more gentle and considerate. The emperor is not willing to coax the sixth princess now - after all, occasionally Jiaoman is cute, but every day Jiaoman is annoying.

I didn't think that before, but now with the five princesses as a foil, the sixth princess can be called ignorant.

The emperor was naturally too lazy to coax her, but held a garden party on purpose and told Yu Chu that he would call Fu Qing with her and let her pay attention.

Yu Chu was "touched" by Shane.

The emperor looked at the well-behaved and beautiful daughter, very satisfied, and kindly gave her something.

The garden party is coming soon.

Many young talents were invited to participate, but what Yu Chu did not expect was that the emperor also invited the ghost-faced general.

This garden party was actually not just for Yu Chu. There are many such activities every year. This time, just in time to match his daughter and pay off, the emperor specially ordered to bring young talents together.

In previous years, the Ghost Face King was not there. This year, he returned to the capital. He was young and was also invited.

As soon as this person sat down casually, the conversation in the room was a little quieter, and everyone was in danger for a while.

The ghost face king, no one dares to provoke him.

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