100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1000 General Ghost Face (46)


"Think about it clearly?" Yu Chu was taken aback for a moment, only to realize that the general's expression was indifferent, not like he was drunk. *Following*Dreams*Small*Said .1a

He got up and got out of bed and stood beside the bed. The snow-colored single coat lined his slender and clear figure, and the outline between the collarbones was exposed under the neckline. The crow drooped down, squinting those long and narrow eyes that were fascinated by the soul, and the beauty was boundless.

As soon as he wakes up, he looks like this lazy and rational again, as if he doesn't care about anything.

Yu Chu is a little melancholy, and Xiao Tiantian is sober so soon.

While he was stunned for a while, the person in front of him stretched out his hand and put his slender and fair fingers on the neckline. He unbuttoned the collar at will, revealing beautiful lines under the single coat.

With his fingers down and placed on his waist, he squinted his beautiful eyes as he slowly unfastened the belt around his waist, but the expression on his face did not show any **.

Seeing him like this, the long body Yuli stood beside the bed, lazy and indifferent, but undressed. Yu Chu stepped back a little and asked in surprise, "What are you doing?"\u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

"Let me let go, I will die." The man hooked his lips, his voice was sweet and lazy, and said lightly.

His fair and beautiful fingers were placed on his waist, but he leaned over, propped up the bed with one hand, and approached her, his eyes were a bit desolate, and his lips curved into a low smile:

"If you and others do this, I will die, understand? It's either death or suicide."

If he is alive, he can't control himself, and he will definitely destroy the happiness of her and others...

So, are you going to die?

But he thought that after he was fulfilled, she would really be with others...

How can you give up. Absolutely not.

Yu Chu was stunned, watching him cover her, put his fingers lightly on her shoulders, smiled slowly, his voice was like a demagogic devil, but indifferent: \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/ i\u0026amp;gt;

"If I'm still here, I can't help you and others. So unless..."

He suddenly laughed, meaning unknown.

The thin lips gently kissed the girl's earlobe, he lowered his eyes slightly contentedly, his eyes were calm and gentle.

"I'll give you a choice." Nan Lin said softly, holding the girl's hand and holding down his colic heart.

He was able to strategize and control everything, but at this time he only felt that he was in a state of disappointment. Life was not important in his heart. He could almost predict the heartache to see her and others alive. It would be better to die.

"You press it now. I'll help you choose a good husband. You marry him, and I'll do it."

must be fulfilled.

If he can't live, he will die.

He said this softly, his lips moved from her earlobe to her neck, like a whisper between lovers, but there was a shocking sadness in the words.

He slowly kissed the girl's neck, then leaned gently on her shoulder, covering her hands with his fingers, and didn't move.

"You click," he murmured.

It hurts too much, you press it.


She doesn't like him, she will definitely want him to let go, so she will definitely press it. Actually he knew.

Just wanted her to say it herself.

She doesn't want him, she wants him to let go.

So, even if it hurts...

Also complete.

He felt his heart contract slightly, as if he was quietly waiting for the upcoming trial. There was clearly no suspense, but he still waited in a panic. On the one hand, there was the overwhelming sadness of abandoning himself, and on the other hand, there were almost no, insignificant hopes and humble prayers. ..

Can I have another chance...

Time cannot be reversed, and he cannot change the past.

But can you give him one later...

give once.

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