100 Ways to Get the Male God

#1007 ghost general (53)


The whole hall is majestic and solemn, and the coffin is placed on the innermost steps.

All the civil and military officials were wearing mourning clothes below. They only saw the back of the ghost-faced general. They took off their masks and leaned over to kiss the coffin... But they couldn't see his true face.

This kiss moved people unconsciously.

Everyone said that the general was unfathomable, but he was such a cold-hearted person, but after the princess left, he took off his mask and kissed her coffin tenderly.

The world only knows that generals are cold-hearted.

Never seen tenderness.

After a light kiss, Nan Lin straightened up, but instead of wearing a mask, he turned around lightly.

Everyone's eyes widened in an instant.

What catches the eye is a perfect face, with slightly squinted eyes, long and narrow and lazy, but captivating. The brow bone is cold, the lip color is a bit thin, and the posture of heaven and man.

The sixth princess below was stunned, looking at the ghost-faced general's face in disbelief.

The women covered their lips with handkerchiefs in shock.

The court officials were also momentarily shocked and lost their words.

In the silence of all beings, the general slowly descended the steps step by step, walked past the burning palace lanterns and candles on both sides, and walked slowly out of the hall alone, never looking back.

The Sixth Princess stared blankly at his back until she could no longer see it, then turned her head and stared blankly at the coffin.

The fifth sister, whom she looked down on the most, did not expect to be adored by such a character...


the next day.

Rumors about the ghost-faced general flew all over the capital.

It is said that the ladies who saw his face were all shocked and thought about it day and night.

The world was curious about the true face of the ghost-faced general, but the general left the capital the next day.

In the carriage heading to Nanling, the girl was nestled in the general's arms, reading a book with him.

"You did it on purpose? You know that there is nothing in the coffin, and you still cherish it." The girl raised her head, glanced over the man's white chin, and looked into his eyes.

"Yeah." Nanlin nodded, turned a page of the book, and said lightly, "Although you are fine, the world thinks it's you. So I cherish it so that people can understand, Princess Nanlin Xinyue...I will never be in this life. Change."

The girl was silent for a moment, raised her head and kissed his chin, and suddenly said angrily: "But I don't know who spread the rumors, saying that I was proposed by you, I was frightened, my condition worsened, and I died suddenly! Do you think the princess doesn't love the general?"

"Alright." Nan Lin was indifferent.

Yu Chu raised his eyes blankly, "Where is it?"

The general smiled lazily, but his eyes softened slightly, and said softly, "I did something wrong. In the stories of the world, let's just pretend that the princess doesn't love the general."

In this way, every time you hear it in the future, you can remind yourself of what you have done and missed.

The girl was stunned for a few seconds before she said earnestly and angrily, "How many times have I said it? I don't blame you."

Nan Lin smiled and nodded, "Okay, I know."

— and, how lucky to be understood.

Lucky to meet this guy.


After dealing with Nanling, the general announced to the world that he would return to military power and live in seclusion.

The news once again shocked the country.

The world has speculated that this is also because the princess passed away, and the general was so infatuated that he didn't even want power.

The ghost-faced general who was considered to be cold and ruthless turned out to have such deep-rooted affection for the princess.

People sighed.

a few months later.

In a small mountain village far from the capital.

The spring flowers are in full bloom, the grass is dotted with beautiful flowers, and the children are chasing and running, playing with each other.

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