100,000 Years of Body Refining

Chapter 104: What about me?

Zixiao City was silent.

Everyone looked at Mo Chengnian in shock, speechless.

Half a step to the peak!

He originally thought that Mo Chengnian was exploring the way for Qin Feng, and it was impossible for him to step on the Purple Cloud Divine Sect alone, but with just one palm, everyone was shocked.

The three deputy sect masters of the Zixiao Shenzong, Shen Qianyue is almost recognized as the first deputy sect master, only Mu Xuanji can hold three points.

But he was crushed by one of his palms.

Who said Mo Chengnian was just exploring the way?

He alone will step on Shenzong.

"Soul Broken Sword, but that's it." Mo Chengnian looked at Shen Qianyue, who couldn't afford to be seriously injured, his words were light, but like thunder.

Everyone looked stiff.

Especially the disciples of the Divine Zixiao Sect, they hadn't put the Life and Death Tower in their eyes, thinking that today's real enemy would be Qin Feng.

Unexpectedly, Mo Chengnian was already at the peak of a half-step, with a palm pressing down on Deputy Sect Master, the Divine Sect of Zixiao, fearing that no one could stop him.


Mo Chengnian stepped on it one step at a time, as if stepping on everyone's heart, making their hearts tremble.

Half a step to the peak face to face, what block does the Zixiao Shenzong use?

Today, Zixiao Shenzong is afraid of falling to the altar, and its dominance will become history.

"Protect Sect Master Shen." Without fear of life and death, the Shenzong disciples rushed towards Shen Qianyue, protecting him layer by layer, facing Mo Chengnian.

"I have no intention of killing indiscriminately. Since the Divine Sect of Purple Clouds is not as good as me, then disband." Mo Chengnian pressured him and did not rush to exterminate him.

He and the Emperor Zixiao Sect have no unending enmity, but just want to replace the place of the Emperor Zixiao Sect in the Shenzhou, not to destroy it.

To stay a line at present is also to leave a line for the life and death building.

"It's no wonder you dare to ask, it turns out that it's half a step peak, but unfortunately, it's not your turn to decide whether the Zixiao Sect is disbanded."

Just when everyone thought that the Zixiao God Sect was about to fall to the altar, a cold voice suddenly came from the depths of the God Sect. Then, a light broke through the space and fell directly in front of Mo Chengnian, revealing the figure of Chu Tianjue. .

Everyone looked at Chu Tianjue in surprise.

He actually showed up?

I was afraid of death before, so I didn't dare to show up.

Knowing that Mo Chengnian was at his half-step peak at this moment, it was surprising that he dared to appear.

"It seems you still have opinions."

Mo Chengnian looked at Chu Tianjue, and the vast will of death condensed again, and said in a solemn voice: "If this is the case, then you can teach your Excellency the Zixiao sword art."

"As you wish." Chu Tianjue sneered, patted his palm, and a long sword appeared out of thin air, and the crackling thunder rippled out, and in an instant, the thunder fell into the sky, as if the nine clouds of thunder fell, looting the world.

Mo Chengnian watched the sky full of thunder with no fear on his face. Instead, a faint irony flashed on his face. He contemptuously said: "Shen Qianyue is nearly halfway to the peak, and he is not my enemy, let alone you, the light of rice grains, how dare you? Shine?"

While speaking, he blasted out with a palm, carrying the meaning of endless ashes, breaking the wind, and crushing everything. Under this palm, the thunder that swept across the sky was beaten to pieces, and the world was clear.

"If Mu Xuanji is alive, Zixiao Sword Artifact can't be taken care of, and you have learned a bit of truth." Mo Chengnian sneered, but did not stop in his hand. He punched again in an instant, horrifying death. Without dispersing, the whistling room fills the entire space.

The palm prints are full of the aura of destruction and death, as if to bring **** to the world and harvest all living beings.

Everyone in Zixiao City had their pupils shrunk suddenly, and then retreated in amazement. The meaning of death in the cultivation of the Life and Death Tower is extremely terrible, not to mention the half-step peak exploded with all strength, and only the remaining prestige can make them feel that death is calling, the soul They are all fearful and uneasy, wanting to stay away.

The cold flashed across Chu Tianjue's face, his body bowed slightly, and his feet slammed. The whole person instantly turned into thunder and lightning, shifting his position under the terrifying death fist, and even avoided Mo Chengnian. The bombardment.

"I have long heard that Chu Tianjue's thundering body is comparable to teleportation. I saw it today and it was really good. Unfortunately, you can drop ten guilds with one force. No matter how your body is against the sky, you can't escape the crush of my palm. Me, give me condensate!" Mo Chengnian yelled.

The seals in his hand spread out, and he held it with a Meng.

In an instant, dozens of death seal tactics floated in the sky, echoing each other, like a huge death palm, covering a space, locking Chu Tianjue in it.

That piece of space instantly solidified, and it was difficult to break through Chu Tianjue's thunderous body technique. Then, as Mo Chengnian's palm clenched, the seal of death quickly clenched.

An instant panic appeared on Chu Tianjue's face, and he was finally annihilated under the death seal tactic.

"I haven't started yet, is this over?"

Mo Chengnian shook his head and sneered, "At the same level, you are far worse than Shen Qian."

He suppressed his death, retracted his gaze, and glanced at Shen Qianyue and others. No one in the Zixiao Divine Sect could stop his majesty, Shenzong, would it be disbanded?

But suddenly, Mo Chengnian's smile stagnated, and an extremely dangerous aura surged into his heart. He didn't know what the danger was, it was entirely out of the instinct of a warrior.

This kind of instinct, the stronger the strength, the more accurate it is. With his realm, since this kind of intuition is born, it is not aimless.

"What's the matter, can Shenzong still threaten my existence?" Mo Chengnian was surprised. It stands to reason that no one in China can compete with Qin Feng, but what's the matter with this feeling. ?

He didn't dare to be careless, and instantly became vigilant.

Sweeping his gaze to the space, he sucked back in amazement, instinctively backing away.

Seeing that piece of annihilated space, Chu Tianjue's figure did not know when he appeared, and stepped in front of him, the fear on his face had long since disappeared, staring at him with a sneer.

"How is it possible that you weren't dead?" Mo Chengnian exclaimed in surprise.

The crowd was also horrified.

Not only did Chu Tian not die, but he was unscathed, this?

"I can't even lock my thunder and body skills, and dare to offend my Zixiao Divine Sect. It's really looking for death." Chu Tianjue sneered again and again, and the long sword in his hand chopped down. The endless thunder suddenly appeared, and the purple sky was filled, and the ink was instantly absorbed. Embezzled in, and plundered endlessly.

The violent aftermath destroyed the world and trembled everyone.

Especially seeing Mo Chengnian's situation made them tremble to the extreme.

While retreating, Mo Chengnian had already exploded into death, but he was smashed to pieces by the endless purple sky thunder. Due to the close distance, the purple sky was so wide that he swallowed Mo Chengnian in an instant, and there was no way to avoid it.

At this moment, the sense of crisis was so strong that Mo Chengnian only felt cold all over, and fear grew spontaneously.

"Extreme death, harvest!"

Mo Chengnian screamed, and all the lingering ashes in his body burst out, and he condensed a giant net of death in front of him, went to the sky and harvested everything.


The Zixiao sword intent cut on the giant harvesting net, making a sneer like a sword cutting cloth, slashing it every inch.


Mo Chengnian let out a scream, and Zixiao's sword intent broke everything and fell directly on him, cutting out a blood stain on his chest, and the thunder crackled and swept across, making his chest seem to be burnt, and it was instantly dark. , The terrible sword intent penetrated into the body, and the black blood flowed out.

"Half-step peak, you are also half-step peak, how is this possible?"

Mo Chengnian quickly retreated, looking at Chu Tianjue in horror.

Less than him, the vast crowd around him was dumbfounded and his face was full of shock.

Half a step to the peak!

Unexpectedly, Chu Tianjue also took this step.

"Nothing is Impossible."

A pity flashed in Chu Tianjue's eyes. He hid his breath and deliberately showed weakness, only to explode this blow, but failed to kill Mo Chengnian, only to cut him.

But it doesn't matter anymore.

There have been countless deaths and injuries here, so much blood, it should be enough for Ye Cangming to break through the peak, Mo Chengnian, can't escape.

Thinking of this, Chu Tianjue's gaze towards Mo Chengnian gradually heated up, as if a hungry beast finally saw its prey.

"Mo Chengnian, if you come directly three months ago, the Zixiao Sect may really be stepped on by you, but unfortunately, you missed the best time and gave us the opportunity to break the limit. Today, you must have no return. "Chu Tian Jue Su said.

"It turns out that Chu Tian is definitely not afraid of death and afraid to show up, but at the critical moment of breaking through, we blamed him."

When the crowd heard this, it became clear.

Even many disciples of the Zixiao Shenzong are quite self-blaming, and should not blame the deputy suzerain.

But what they didn't see was that the endless blood that was spilled was constantly seeping into the ground and being quickly drawn.

They may have wrongly blamed Shen Qianyue, but they definitely did not blame Chu Tianjue and Ye Cangming, these two people deliberately did not show up, just to let them kill and take the opportunity to draw blood to practice.

If it's not about it, if you continue to kill, Zixiao Divine Sect will be almost empty, and perhaps Chu Tian will never show up so quickly.

"I underestimated the Zixiao Divine Sect."

Mo Chengnian was horrified and recovered as usual, his eyes flashed with a sneer, "But you and I are in the same realm, and you are alone. I want me to come and go, I'm afraid I can't do it."

Mo Chengnian knew that he couldn't step on the Zixiao Divine Sect, but the Zixiao Divine Sect didn't want to do anything to him. If he wanted to suppress the opponent, it was up to whoever broke through the true peak first.

"Chu Tian can't hold you down, so what about me?"

Just when Mo Chengnian was about to withdraw, and he was not fighting a senseless battle, a cold and solemn voice suddenly resounded, accompanied by a wave of supreme power.

"not good!"

Mo Chengnian seemed to have sensed something, he felt bad in his heart, and his expression suddenly changed.

His pinch tactics exploded with all his strength, and at the same time he exploded backwards at the fastest speed in his life, but at this moment, it was still too late. The address of the latest chapter of Refining One Hundred Thousand Years: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/159327.htmlRead the full text of one hundred thousand years of body refining: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/159327/One ​​hundred thousand years of body refining txt download link: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/159327.htmlOne ​​hundred thousand years of body refining mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/159327/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Favorite\" below to record this time (Chapter 104 What about me?) Open the bookshelf once to see it! If you like "One Hundred Thousand Years of Body Refining", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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