100,000 Years of Body Refining

Chapter 819: The first dragon will return

With Qingtian's decision, the nirvana civil strife was completely calmed down.

If it weren't for the invasion of the blood race, perhaps Qingtian would not compromise easily, even if he knew he was defeated, he would fight to the end. Of course, Qin Feng's promise was more important.

That promise made Qingtian see hope.

If there is hope, who would choose despair?

"What do you do now?" Qing Tian quickly adjusted his position and asked Qin Feng.

"Wait." Qin Feng said.

Qingtian is puzzled, and the powers are puzzled. What are you waiting for?

"Waiting for you to recover to the top." Qin Feng said.

"The blood race will not give us a chance, and there have been countless stars in the Nirvana Universe that have turned into death stars. We can't see death without saving." Qingtian said.

There is still a sentence left behind. If the dying universe continues to be destroyed like this, the energy guarding the universe may not be able to support Qin Feng's return.

This is the root of annihilating the universe.

"Leave this matter to me. Your first task is to recover your injury. Both this place and Tianyuan are safe enough. The Blood God will not come out, and the blood race will be difficult to break, so you can recover as soon as possible." Qin Feng said, and at the same time let the bone ancestors and others gather here.

Although the Bone Realm is good, it is difficult to compare with the land of the heavenly race.

And with their state at the moment, it is not enough to fight against the blood race, it is undoubtedly the safest to heal and recover here.

Afterwards, Qin Feng turned his hand and condensed a star symbol, handed it to Qingtian, and said: "If there is any change, please contact me in time."

Qing Tian took the star symbol and said no more.

Having chosen to compromise, they should listen to Qin Feng, and now they really can't compete with the blood clan, and what they can do is to recover quickly at all costs.

After that, Qin Feng left, only the human ancestor and the dark clan chief followed, but did not take Ye Gucheng away.

Ye Gucheng's way is already in the soul clan, and the soul ancestor has already surrendered, and he will not embarrass Ye Gucheng. With him, Ye Gucheng can better break through and be invincible.


When Qin Feng and the others returned, Chu Yun'er and many others had already walked out of the killing world, not because their injuries had healed, but some accidents.

"Qin Feng, the Lord of the Blood God Palace has fallen." The Blood Sword God said with grief.

Although he and the Blood God Palace Master no longer have the name of a teacher and apprentice, in his heart, he always regards the Blood God Palace Master as a master. Now, the master's body has fallen, and his grief can be imagined.

"What's the matter?" Qin Feng trembled slightly.

"Or because of the cultivation technique, the master had an accident when he hit the middle-ranked Celestial Master, and he burst and died, and the flying ash was annihilated." The Blood Sword God was full of grief and suddenly looked towards Qin Feng and said with a serious face: "Qin Feng Before the annihilation of the Master, there was a saying that you should be careful of the Blood God Art."

Be careful of the Blood God Jue.

Qin Feng suddenly trembled and blamed himself.

When the Blood God was in Xingyuan, he had said that people who cultivated the Blood God Jue would undergo abnormal changes. He had overlooked it, and he should have thought of the Blood God Palace Master.

It was his negligence that caused the death of the Palace Master of the Blood God.

"Qin Feng." Seeing Qin Feng's self-blaming expression, the Blood Sword God wanted to say something, but Qin Feng waved his hand gently and murmured, "It's my fault."

What else did the blood sword **** want to say, but the ancestor said: "Try hard to cultivate, our time is running out."

The Blood Sword God nodded.

Although they did not participate in Xing Yuan's battle, they knew everything about Qin Feng's identity, the invasion of the blood clan, and the situation of dying.

Time and strength are what they urgently need.

With a heavy focus, the Blood Sword God and others continue to go to the killing world. In the Blood Sword God's eyes, the Master died of the Blood God Art, and the Blood God Art is the blood clan secret method. This account will be counted on the blood clan.

"Qin Feng." Chu Yuner did not return to the killing world and came to Qin Feng's side. Qin Feng woke up, she was very happy, but at this moment, she was worried about Qin Feng.

Qin Feng smiled, stretched out his hand to hold Chu Yun'er's hand, and smiled: "Don't worry, I'll be fine."

"I will stay with you." Chu Yuner smiled similarly.

She doesn't care who Qin Feng is, she only knows that Qin Feng is her younger brother, who used to be, is now, and will be in the future, they have been separated for too long, this time, they will not be separated again anyway.

After a long time, Chu Yuner also went to practice.

She knew that it was not a long time for her children, for Qin Feng's sake, she had to quickly become stronger.

Qin Feng also sat on the ground, comprehending the Blood God Jue.

Tempering the blood and refining the body is his way to target the blood race, but at this moment, this path does not seem as simple as imagined, but like a trap.

I just don't know what the trap is for a while.

He perceives the Blood God Art and carefully sorts it out, his blood intent is boiling. Under the majestic Tao, from the blood soldier, the blood general to the blood king, he can even perceive the blood emperor level, but he still can't catch it. What is abnormal.

"What exactly is hidden in the Blood God Art?"

Qin Feng murmured, contemplating his eyebrows.

But soon, his eyebrows stretched out again.

He couldn't see through the Blood God Secret Art, but some people knew about the Blood God Secret Art, and the situation of extinguishing the universe also needed to be changed.

Getting up, he wanted to find the blood clan.

At this moment, his eyebrows were slightly raised, and Ren Ancestor not far away suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Qin Feng in surprise, "It's that space, and the first dragon will return!"

That was the space coordinates Qin Feng gave him. There was the place where Shilong returned. He had been paying attention to it. At this moment, there was finally movement.

Shilong is the patriarch of the true spirit clan, and can be equal to the blue sky. Looking at the nirvana universe, the invincible Tianzun can definitely rank in the top three. If he can return, it will be a great help.

"The energy of the universe, it seems that the nirvana universe really perceives an unprecedented threat." Qin Feng whispered.

Before Shi Long left, he gave him the purest Long Yuan, and he had the conditions for a quick return. He knew Shi Long would return quickly, but the speed was still somewhat beyond expectations.

And all this is only because the energy of the universe is helping Shilong.

The instinctive self-preservation of the nirvana universe will do whatever it takes to enhance the power of nirvana. This time the first dragon returns, I am afraid that it can no longer be called a real dragon, but a heavenly dragon.

Born from heaven, this heaven is not only the way of heaven, but also the universe.

"Master, go to meet Shilong, I'll go to the blood clan." Qin Feng curbed his thoughts and said quickly.

"I'll go with you." The dark clan chief said.

Qin Feng shook his head and said: "This time Shilong returns, there will be a transformation. This is the choice of the universe. The blood will know that there is no room for error. You will protect Shilong."

"But the blood clan..." Human Ancestor said, as Qin Feng said, the blood clan might destroy Shi Long's return, so the pressure brought by the blood clan can be imagined. Qin Feng is going to be dangerous and dangerous, how can they be relieved.

"If I didn't take that step, the blood **** wouldn't dare to take action. Under the heavenly way, who can fight me." Qin Feng shook his head, his flat voice with unparalleled confidence.

He is the God of the Universe and the Way of Heaven. Although he has not completely returned, his comprehension in every realm has reached perfection. His power is the energy that extinguishes the universe, who can match it.

Ren Zu wanted to say something, but Qin Feng whizzed up and quickly disappeared into Tianyuan, leaving only one sentence to help Shilong return.

The patriarch of the dark clan wanted to catch up, but was stopped by the ancestors and shook his head: "Zhou God has its own arrangements. Our task is to help the first dragon return at any cost."

The patriarch of the dark clan gave up, and the two went to the space coordinates of Shilong's return together, and at the same time, they sent Qingtian to prepare them to respond at any time.

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