100,000 Years of Body Refining

Chapter 821: not enough


The sky is powerful, the space is shattered, and the entire stars are rapidly falling apart.

Xue Zun Xing knew that Qin Feng was strong, and he had no intention of attacking, he only wanted to defend. He stretched out his hand to draw a circle in front of him, and soon a **** escape was gathered in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, the blood escape quickly solidified and spawned quickly, covering him like an indestructible shield.


Qin Feng's palm fell on the blood escape, and a dull explosion erupted, and the blood deity torment with a shield and a shield, exploded back hundreds of feet, but the blood escape was intact and not broken.

"This is a Taoist tool condensed by my blood. It has been nourished for hundreds of thousands of years. It is already a top-level Taoist tool. No one in the invincible territory can break it. Even if you are the God of Nirvana, you are also..." Qin Feng sneered.

At the next moment, his words stopped abruptly.

Just because Qin Feng rushed again, he raised his hand and slapped it down.


There was another shock, and the blood penalty was once again shaken back by a hundred feet, and the force of the terrifying shock seemed to penetrate the blood escape, shaking his body, and couldn't help but open his mouth to vomit blood.

"Go on, I want to see how much blood you have." Qin Feng's figure flickered, and he appeared in front of Xing Zun Xing again, his palm flew, and three palm prints were shot in a row.

Regardless of the carelessness of Xing Xing, his hands pinched the tactics in front of him, and the pure blood poured into the blood escape to meet Qin Feng's palm print.


A terrifying force shook out, Qin Feng's speed obviously stagnated, but the blood penalty was even more miserable. He shook back thousands of feet, his body smashed into the stars and the ground, and it was rolled several times before stabilizing his body.

Without waiting for him to be ready, Qin Feng flashed quickly, and appeared in front of him again in an instant.

Tianwei is the ultimate.

At this moment, Qin Feng’s power is fully deployed, and it is vaguely condensed with cosmic energy, and its power is unmatched, which makes the blood deity punishment abruptly changed. He dared not to underestimate it, and hurriedly urged his power to the extreme, and he used blood to defend himself. The limit is open.

The two forces collided quickly, and under the deafening roar, they couldn't cover up the cracking sound. Under the violent tremor, the blood escape quickly appeared cracks, seeming to be broken.

And the Xing Zun Xing was bombed out again.

Qin Feng didn't give up, chasing after him, and his palm prints were like a huge wave, endless, madly drowning in blood and punishment.

Dao Qi is extraordinary, it is difficult to break in one blow, then break it until it is broken.

Bang bang bang bang!

The horrible explosion continued, and Qin Feng suppressed the Blood Respect Punishment and continued to retreat. In an instant, the Blood Respect Punishment was shaken back by thousands of feet. Everything he passed was shattered, and the huge stars were already shattered.

And the blood escape around the body of Xing Zun Xing, there are cracks all over, like a mirror that has been hit by a heavy blow, it is no longer complete.


In the end, under Qin Feng's violent palmprints, the blood escape finally reached its limit. With a crash, it burst on the spot and turned into endless **** fragments, falling all over the sky.


The shattering of the blood escape caused the blood torture to suffer a horrible backlash. He immediately vomited blood continuously, the whole person's breath was rapidly exhausting, and the blood will quickly languish.

In the battle of Xingyuan, facing Qingtian, they madly detonated the Dao artifacts, which caused him some serious damage. Although the blood swallowed in these days has recovered a lot, the impact of the blood escape can not be resolved by this time.

But Qin Feng was already at the pinnacle of invincibility, controlling the power of the sky, and adding cosmic energy, how could the blood honor punishment be able to resist.

The blood escape shattered, and the blood honor punishment instantly suffered an extreme severe injury. Under the horror in the heart, there was no desire to fight anymore, and the momentum would be fleeing.

However, it was too late.

Qin Feng's speed was extremely fast, and in a flash, he came to the blood deity torment, stretched out his hand to hold it, and locked the blood deity torment.


Xue Zun Xing was panicked instantly, and he exploded with blood in spite of everything, a terrifying blood erupted from his body, like a storm, trying to break away from Qin Feng's power.


The palm falls.


With a loud noise, the body of Xing Zun Xing burst directly, but a drop of essence and blood broke free.

The blood escape was shattered and suffered heavy injuries. The Xing Zun Xing knew that such a state could never resist Qin Feng, so he actively abandoned his body, turned into a pure blood state, and wanted to take advantage of the situation to escape.

But how could Qin Feng not know the original form of the blood clan, and had prevented him from doing this long ago. With a palm of his hand, Daowei confined the space and directly held the blood in his hand.

"court death!"

At this moment, an angry voice resounded, and the broken stars burst out of terrifying blood in vain, and they overwhelmed the sky, finally turning into a blood blade, slashing Qin Feng's arm straight, intending to save the bleeding and honor punishment.

Look up.

Xue Zunyao, Xue Zunyao and many other blood races are coming in gallop, and many blood will gather in one place, and it will be cut to Qin Feng's arm in a flash.

The corner of Qin Feng's mouth raised, although it was a smile, but his smile was a bit cold. Then, under the other hand, the boundless power pulled the cosmic energy contained in the star sea and directly blasted towards the blood blade.


In the blink of an eye, the two forces collided, and Qin Feng's feet shook slightly under the violent roar, but he did not retreat, but the **** spirit that Xue Zunhuang and the others broke out was broken and failed to hurt. He has nothing.

This scene caused Xue Zunhuang and other blood clan expressions to sink suddenly.

The power of Xue Zunhuang was comparable to that of the ancestors of the dead and Qingtian, not to mention the joint efforts of Xue Zunyao and others. Under the slaying, they could not shake Qin Feng, which shows the horror of Qin Feng.

Rao was so, Xue Zunhuang and the others also whizzed in and quickly surrounded Qin Feng.


Xue Zunhuang glanced at the accused Xue Zunhuang and looked directly at Qin Fengdao.


The corner of Qin Feng's mouth rose higher, and his smile became colder. "If I fall into your hands, will you let people go?"

"Don't let go, you die!" Xue Zunhuang said coldly.

"Really, just rely on your line?" Qin Feng scanned the blood races around him, shaking his head and chuckles.

Don't say that the Blood Exalted Punishment has been severely wounded and taken by him, even if all this line is gathered, Qin Feng is not afraid. He is no longer the one he was when Xingyuan fought.

Even if he doesn't use the Universe Palace, he is not afraid of any invincible blood sages, unless all the powerhouses of the blood clan gather together, which may make him two points of fear.

"It's not enough for me to release people. Let's continue to call people. I am here to wait." Qin Feng controlled the Xing Zun Xing and looked at Xue Zun Huang said.

He did not take these blood races too seriously, and at the same time he wanted to contain the whole blood race so that Shi Long could return safely.

"By the way, Chen Yi has recovered a bit, is the blood prison world recovered?" Qin Feng suddenly asked again, making the look of Xue Zunhuang and the others even more ugly.

When they received the news of Blood Respect Punishment, they hurried over from other stars. It took only a moment on the way. However, the Blood Respect Punishment was completely defeated, and there was no chance to escape, which showed the horror of Nirvana.

The guardianship of the nirvana universe made nirvana heaven no longer existed in the past, it was definitely the pinnacle of existence in this realm, I am afraid they really can't do anything about it.

Moreover, the other party's meaning seemed to have confidence in being able to resist the blood prison world, which made them feel more solemn.

Without hesitation, Xue Zunhuang decisively asked for help from the Blood God.

"You dare not take that step." After finishing this, Xue Zunhuang looked at Qin Fengdao.

"Then what?" Qin Feng said.

"Even if you are the nirvana of heaven and possess the power of heaven, you can borrow the energy of the universe, but after all, you are at the same level as me, so it's not that you can't kill you." Xue Zunhuang said coldly.

Qin Feng shook his head and smiled without saying a word.

"I also stand at the pinnacle of this realm. It is difficult to have rivals in the same realm, but it is not truly invincible. The same is true for you." Xue Zunhuang continued.

"It's not enough." Qin Feng shook his head and chuckled slightly.

He also understands the meaning of Xue Zunhuang, since he is confident, let the blood clan powers come.

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