100,000 Years of Body Refining

Chapter 830: The Might of the Dragon


The purple gold dragon breath covered it, and the current Blood Venerable Hill burst open.

He was surrounded by hills and protected by ten thousand mountains, which is hard to invade.

At the peak, he was facing the strongest blood emperor and blood sovereign, and they could all fight. Before facing the feather clan in the same state, as well as the difficult light clan patriarch, they couldn't help him.

But now, under the impact of the purple-gold dragon's breath, Wanshan's body was as fragile as Lu's draft, and it was easily destroyed.

The strongest fighting body he condensed was useless at all, and it fell into pieces directly, leaving only a drop of essence blood, struggling to escape.

However, the purple golden dragon's breath rolled past, stunned the surrounding space, and collapsed at an extremely fast speed. With only half a finger, the original essence and blood were completely annihilated.

The form and spirit are all gone, not even a trace of it is left.

"An Invincible Realm, just like that, was annihilated?"

Many powerful people in Nirvana looked at this scene, and their minds trembled.

Qin Feng’s combat power is terrifying, they can understand, after all, that is the **** of the universe, the palm of the hand can borrow the power of the universe, but Shilong can also crush the invincible powerhouse, even if the blood is already severely injured, it is still difficult to conceal Shilong’s horror. .

Especially Huntian.

When he and Xiantian joined forces to kill the Suzaku patriarch, he fought with Shilong. It is true that Shilong is very strong, but it is still far behind this time.

The fusion of a little cosmic energy is equivalent to the heavenly dragon born in the universe, and there really is a qualitative gap.

Today's Shilong is probably second only to Qin Feng's existence.

Even if Qin Feng returns, Shilong will be the first person to stand under the path of heaven. I am afraid that the human ancestors will be half inferior. After all, other people have not received cosmic energy.

"Shilong is not what it used to be. The power of Tianlong has been in harmony with the universe. It will fall, and it will be prosperous. But because of this, he can't leave the nirvana." Qingtian quietly said.

Hun Tian and the others nodded secretly, they all understood what Qing Tian meant.

If Shilong had transformed into a heavenly dragon before, it would have made them feel extremely heavy, and would even destroy it, but now it is different.

Their goal is no longer to die.

And dying requires this kind of power.

Otherwise, if Nirvana is defeated, they will all be annihilated.

And if Jijiie wins, Shilong will not be able to leave Jijiiean finger blood clan. He and Jijiie are already tied together and can't compete for anything. Such a strong person is not an enemy, this is enough.


The purple golden dragon's breath rolled past, like a heavy grinding, crushing everything.

Just breaking through, the **** Emperor Blood Sovereign and the others, looking back, just saw the scene of the annihilation of the flying ash of the Blood Sovereign Hill, all their expressions changed wildly, and their pupils shrank suddenly, like a ghost.

Without any hesitation, the Emperor Blood Sovereign and the others galloped out, how could they dare to stagnate for a while.


The purple golden dragon roars up to the sky, the ten thousand zhang dragon body is whizzing in the void, traversing ten thousand feet between the fingers, chasing and killing, the purple golden dragon's breath is like a tidal wave, and there are countless purple and golden dragon scales roaring out, like ten thousand swords breaking through the air and killing holes. everything.

The speed of the Zijin Tianlong was very fast, but Qin Feng's speed was even faster.

Just after the blood emperor and the others broke free of the purple gold dragon's breath, and when they quickly fled away, his figure had disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of the blood emperor blue.


Afterwards, there was the killing of the Zijin Tianlong, and before the interception of the Jixitiandao, Dexue Zunlan couldn't help but breathe in the air, only feeling cold all over, as if he was in hell.

After a brief period of panic and fear, the blood of the blue sky was fully activated, and a **** sky suddenly bloomed, and that space directly turned into a terrifying **** color, with power like the sky, seeming to be able to crush the dust, and rush towards Qin Feng.

He can't retreat, otherwise he will only fall into a heavy siege, so he can only forcibly break through Qin Feng's interception.


Qin Feng stood there, like a green pine, letting the **** sky blast violently, and in an instant, boundless power fell on him. However, Qin Feng, who was in the blood, was still immovable and unaffected. The slightest shock.

"This, how is it possible..." Xue Zunlan was shocked instantly.

He understands that he is not the enemy of Nirvana, and it is even more difficult to fight under severe injuries, but with a full blow, he can't shake a single bit, and he still feels terrified.

Even despair.

"The **** sky, a kind of majesty, but unfortunately, I am the sky, how naive it is to want to shake me." Qin Feng said indifferently, and then reached out and pressed his hand.


The blood-colored sky, which was like a violent storm and rain, shattered in an instant, and as Xue Zunlan's killing and crushing broke, Qin Feng shook the hand that was pressed down fiercely.

A very simple move, unpretentious and not gorgeous, but it contains the most original cosmic energy, and under one grasp, it is as if the energy of the entire universe bursts in it.

Bloodzun's blue pupils shrank abruptly, and the blood-red pupils were full of panic and despair. He exploded out of power desperately, and the boundless blood burst out crazily, dyeing the space red.

But the next moment, a terrifying energy came directly, easily shattering the powerful blood and all the power he released, and in a flash, his fighting body crashed into pieces.

Not to mention how to counter the energy of the universe under severe injuries, even in the heyday.

The end of Blood Zunlan was not an accident.


The fighting body shattered, and Xue Zunlan instantly transformed into his original form. He did not struggle to escape, but quickly exploded all the blood. That drop of pure blood seemed to condense the boundless blood, and it soared rapidly.


Seeing this scene, the blood lord in the distance uttered a stern cry. He was still trying to rescue him, but he was dragged by the blood lord, and shouted anxiously: "Go!"

Both Jixi Tiandao and Zijin Tianlong are too terrifying, unless they join forces in their heyday, or they can contend with one or two, but at this moment, the seriously injured body is completely powerless, and if it is delayed, they will all die.

"Avenge me!"

Xue Zunlan didn't think about other people's rescue. When he failed to break through Qin Feng's interception, he knew his end well and was ready to die.

However, even if he died, he would not want the other party to live well.

"Blood burst, burst!"

That drop of pure blood soared, and instantly reached the peak of invincibility, not even stagnating, continuing to climb, as if never ending.

Immediately, in the decisive roar of Xue Zunlan, it burst open.

The power of terror impacted the space and shattered, as if the cosmic energy under Qin Feng's grasp was hard to contain, and blood was constantly splashing out.

That was the Invincible Heavenly Sovereign blew himself up. Even if it was in the same realm, there was a danger of death. That terrifying power was not weaker than the original human ancestor detonated the sword of the sky.

Qin Feng raised his eyebrows slightly and swiped his hands forward at the same time, and the space was directly separated, as if a great beast opened its huge mouth, constantly devouring the power of Blood Zunlan to explode.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Feng hugged his hands and folded them little by little, as if to annihilate the terrifying power of Blood Zunlan's self-explosion in the space.

Qin Feng’s expression was slightly solemn, but the speed at which his hands merged was unabated. The cracked space healed little by little. Finally, when Qin Feng closed his palms, the space was completely healed. Amidst a dull explosion, gradually Calm down.

call out.

Seeing this, the Zijin Tianlong whistled out, still chasing after him.

When Xue Zun Lan blew himself up, he stopped chasing and killing him, not that he couldn't, but was guarding Qing Tian and the others. The aftermath of Blood Zun Lan blew out just now, and Qing Tian and the others couldn't bear it at this moment.

Although he still didn't know that the silencing civil strife had subsided, Qing Tian and others tried their best to contain the blood clan, even at the expense of spontaneous combustion, he clearly felt that this situation should be paid back.

At this moment, Xue Zunlan's self-detonation power was dissolved by Qin Fengsheng, and he had no scruples to chase and kill him quickly, intending to leave everything behind.

"No need to chase."

But at this moment, Qin Feng spoke, and Zijin Tianlong stopped at this moment.

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