100,000 Years of Body Refining

Chapter 833: Magic way

So strong!

Feng Yao retreated several thousand feet, staring at the blood god, and his heart trembled.

That blood glow was far beyond his imagination, and it made him feel a strong death threat. He was sure that if it were not for the other side's mercy, the blood glow was more than just crushing his phantom.

With such a patience, he was afraid that he was already above the peak of invincibility, and he even saw the shadow of the magic path in the blood god.



The Phoenix Demon began to burn crazily. Of course, this kind of burning was not burning everything like the human ancestors and Qingtian, but burning his flames and entering a state of complete combat, which was a kind of capable of breaking out 100% of the combat power. status.

The person in front of him made him dare not take it seriously, even in a complete combat state, he was not sure that he could be the enemy.


At this moment, a huge sound suddenly resounded through the sea of ​​stars, and then I saw that in the distance of the sea of ​​stars, there was an boundless magic cloud rolling in, as if it had eroded the entire sea of ​​stars, unstoppable.

In that magic cloud, there was a burly figure, as if it had merged into the magic cloud, and also into the Xinghai universe, carrying boundless power and coming in an instant.

As soon as he came, it was like the condensation of the universe, with infinite power.

"finally come."

The Blood God looked at the magic cloud, and to be precise, he looked at that figure, his always plain face, and finally a faint smile appeared.

"Demon Race Phoenix Demon, I have seen Demon Dao!"

Feng Yao immediately restrained the flames and bowed his head towards that figure, with an extremely respectful expression.

Demon Universe Heaven Dao was once Demon Venerable, but now it is known as Demon Dao, Demon Heaven Dao!

"Retreat, you are not his enemy." Modao gently waved his hand, stepping forward step by step on the magic cloud, every step seemed to be pulling the cosmic energy with unparalleled power.

"You too, leave it here, it doesn't belong to you." While walking, Mo Dao continued to speak.

As his voice fell, more than a dozen figures suddenly appeared in the vast sea of ​​stars, their breaths were extremely powerful, and they were undoubtedly not the pinnacle of invincibility.

Among them, there are ten thousand demon kings.

"I am waiting to help!" Ten Thousand Demon King said.

Since Qingxuan escaped and returned to the Demon World, he has never appeared before.

Mo Dao shook his head and said: "If he wants to kill you, even if you all join hands, it won't be able to stop him."

The expressions of Wan Mowang and others changed drastically.

They believe in the words of the magic way, but what kind of power can suppress all of them, in the field, they are all invincible pinnacle powerhouses.

Could it be...

Suddenly, Zhu Qiang seemed to think of something, and his expression changed wildly.


Zhu Qiang's demeanor fell in the eyes of Mo Dao, no surprise, just waved his hand: "Since you guessed it, then step back, no matter what the situation, you can't get involved."

Wan Demon King and other powerhouses looked ugly, but did not leave.

"Wish to advance and retreat together with the magic way."

Zhu Qiang expressed his stance.

In fact, what is the difference between retreat and non-refund.

If this person comes with a bad intention, the magic way cannot match, and they can't escape, if the magic way can win, why leave.

Mo Dao no longer insisted, came to the front part of Mo Yun, looked at the blood **** and asked, "I don't know why your Excellency came to my Demon Realm?"

"I'm a little disappointed." The Blood God didn't answer, and gently shook his head.

"Oh?" Modao was interested, "I would like to hear the details."

"When I invaded the nirvana, the nirvana heaven blocked the space for the first time and fought to the death with me, but you let these ants come, undoubtedly irresponsible to them, just by this point, you are not as good as nirvana. Heavenly Way.” Blood God Way.

Although the invasion of Nirvana is about to be taken down, it is undeniable that he still has some admiration for Nirvana.

He is the nirvana of heaven and the guardian of nirvana. Since the enemy is strong, he will solve it, and he has not plunged nirvana into it.

This is the responsibility of heaven.

At the moment of the Devildom, no matter what the final result is, I am afraid that the foundation of the Demon universe will go backwards for hundreds of thousands of years.

"Ha ha."

Mo Dao raised his head and laughed, "Your Excellency did not directly kill the ring, which shows that you are not malicious. Let's go or stay. What's the difference?"

The blood **** nodded, "That's what I said."

Modao narrowed his smile and asked, "Your Excellency, please explain your intentions directly."

"What do you think about the situation of nirvana." The Blood God asked bluntly without talking nonsense.

"Just look at it." Modao responded directly.

The blood god's eyes are restrained, and the blood will flicker in his pupils.

"Looks like your Excellency is very confident?" The voice of the blood myth became cold.

"Your Excellency, isn't it?" The magic way remained indifferent.


The Blood God and Demon Dao no longer spoke, and they only looked at each other in the air. A faint coercion overflowed from both of them, and they became stronger and stronger, making the entire star sea appear to be particularly depressed.

The invisible coercion became stronger and stronger, Xinghai began to bang, and even Zhu Qiang's expressions gradually began to change.

At first, they could bear it, but soon, the coercion seemed to have surpassed the invincible level, and the power of heaven began to erupt, making them unbearable.

Not long after, some demon bends down in shock, and even the Ten Thousand Demon King, who is known as the strongest demon king in the demon world, his expression becomes extremely difficult to look at.

To be precise, it was pale, the demon was scattered, and there was no blood.


Soon, there was an Invincible Realm powerhouse who could not withstand this coercion, was shocked and retreated hundreds of feet, and retreated farther and farther. Even the extraordinary beings such as the Ten Thousand Demon King and the Phoenix Demon were shaking at their feet, and there was a kind of uncontrollable. The trend to retreat.

And the coercion between the two is still rising, invisibly fighting fiercely.

Chi Chi Chi.

Finally, the Phoenix Demon couldn't bear it either, and the huge body retreated uncontrollably, shaking the star sea space and making a loud noise. In the end, the Ten Thousand Demon King was also shaken back.

He secretly gritted his teeth, the magic power was fully activated, and he stepped out of the space to return to that space, but he was shaken back in an instant, and he couldn't stabilize it at all.

"So strong!"

This is the heart of all the invincible peaks of the Demon Universe at this moment.

The weaker ones have already been shaken back, even the existence of Ten Thousand Demon Kings and Phoenix Demon have retreated thousands of feet, and they are still retreating.

It was an uncontrolled retreat, a retreat under the pressure of terror.

Is this the coercion of heaven?

"I've always been curious, why is the blood race not subject to the checks and balances of the universe?" Modao looked at the blood **** and asked, the pressure of both of them was skyrocketing.

Everyone knows that no matter what purpose the blood **** has, a battle is inevitable.

If the blood **** is victorious, there is no escape from the devastating universe.

If the blood **** is defeated, the words of the magic way are what he wants to know.

Although the Demon Universe did not take advantage of the situation to invade the nirvana, why did you give up? Demon Dao also has ambitions.

To realize his ambitions and break the balance of the universe, it must be obtained.

"You want to know?" The Blood God smiled, but his smile was a little cold.

"Of course, this is the doubt that has plagued me for millions of years. If you can take the initiative to speak out, it is naturally best." Modao did not deny anything.

"Then it depends on whether you have that strength." Blood God said.

Mo Dao nodded slightly, not surprisingly.

This kind of defying method can be obtained in a few words. If you want it, you have to speak with strength. If the blood **** does not come, he has nothing to do.

But now came, then, it was his opportunity.


The two are no longer talking nonsense, looking at each other in the air, and the coercion has erupted to the extreme. Although they have not yet taken a shot, everyone knows that a terrifying battle will erupt at any time.

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