100,000 Years of Body Refining

Chapter 843: Blood God Realm

Qin Feng directly descended on the blood universe.

In front of him, there was a sea of ​​blood-red stars, as if the entire universe of the blood race was lingering with a thick blood, and at the same time, boundless blood was rolling in from all directions.

It's not the power of the blood race, but the original rules of the universe.

It seemed to perceive Qin Feng's extraordinary, instinctive suppression.

"Will such a realm be suppressed?" Qin Feng frowned slightly. He did not choose to return now. He is still in the invincible pinnacle realm. Even if he invades other universes, he should not be regarded as a threat by the universe.

Is it because of race?

The blood race universe is different from other universes. There is only the blood race family here, which is easy to distinguish. Perhaps the instinctive consciousness of this universe cannot tolerate other races.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng released his blood.

The thick blood will bloom quickly, covering him layer by layer, and he can't see his real body, as if it turned into pure blood, just like a blood race.

Sure enough, after Qin Feng released his blood, the original rules of the universe no longer roared, and slowly dissipated like a tide.

After that, Qin Feng looked at this sea of ​​stars.

Not far from him, there were countless blood races, all of their original form, but their form was a little big, like a sphere, with a pair of blood pupils reflected on it, staring at Qin Feng.

And in front of those blood races, there is a terrifying blood-colored altar. At this moment, Qin Feng is stepping on the edge of this altar. Obviously, this is the core altar of spatial transmission, the key channel for invading the annihilation.

He wanted to destroy the altar, but soon gave up.

It's not that it can't, but it's meaningless, because the elite of the blood clan had already invaded into nirvana.

"Where is the Blood World Mountain?"

Retracting his gaze, Qin Feng looked at the blood races opposite and asked. Although these blood races are numerous, they are not strong. Among them, there are only a few blood sages, and he doesn't bother to do it.

"Blood World Mountain, are you going to Blood World Mountain?"

The many blood races on the opposite side changed in color one after another, as if there was something terrifying in the Blood World Mountain.


Qin Feng looked at their reaction, and his heart was a little settled.

Although it is guessed that the Blood Realm Mountain is very likely to be in the blood universe, it is not 100% sure in the end, and it is at ease to be sure at this moment.

"Where is the Blood World Mountain?" Qin Feng asked again.

No one answered.

Qin Feng shook his head slightly, and with a flick of his fingers, a gust of wind whistled out like a sharp sword.



The current blood clan hadn’t reacted yet, it was pierced by the finger light, and then burst into an explosion, turning into countless blood annihilations. Many blood clan around were affected and screamed again and again. Looking at Qin Feng, his eyes were full of fear. .

"Although you all deserve to die, this seat doesn't have time to kill you, but if you insist on seeking death, this seat doesn't mind fulfilling you."

Qin Feng stepped forward and said one step at a time: "Within three breaths, if you don't answer, you will die!"

"Shoot together!"

Seeing Qin Feng walking step by step, many blood races felt strong oppression, but suddenly, I don't know who was the first to shout, and countless blood lights broke out again, covering Qin Feng overwhelmingly.

Qin Feng didn't say a word, but just pinched the tactics with both hands, and the qi energy bloomed in vain, swirling and flying in front of him, and then rushing out between Qin Feng's fingers.

Those vigor is pure Taoism, and Qin Feng's Taoism is so terrifying, although it can't use the cosmic energy, but it still contains the heavenly power, how can these blood races be able to match it.

Bang bang bang.

The killing of the blood races quickly shattered, and many blood races bounced like bubbles quickly under the impact of those vigor, and only one collision, the blood races began to collapse, and they continued to explode in horror.

Finally, the remaining blood races couldn't bear this fear of death, and they screamed.

"In the Blood God Realm!"

"The Blood Realm Mountain is in the Blood God Realm!"

Qin Feng closed his hand and asked again: "Specific location!"

He was in the Beginning of the Blood Race Universe, and he didn't know the location of the Blood God Realm at all.

"At the center of the universe, you can see it all the way straight. It is the star of the blood god, the biggest star in our universe..."

After determining the location, Qin Feng left directly.

As for the blood race here, he did not massacre, it was a waste of time.

After Qin Feng left, the remaining blood races finally breathed a sigh of relief, and there was a pair of eyes and pupils, and there was a fear that was difficult to dissipate.

"Is this the power of Heaven? Even if it has not recovered, it is far from comparable to any venerable."

The blood race said in fear.

It's really terrifying, that power is no less than any venerable of the blood clan, it is not theirs at all.

Fortunately, the space altar was not destroyed, and their mission did not fail, so that was enough.


At this moment, three figures suddenly appeared on the altar. It was the three blood emperors who were chasing after him.

The first time they arrived, they restored their bodies, frantically drawing blood from the stars and recovering quickly, while scanning the scene.

"Where did the nirvana heaven go?" the emperor blood asked quickly.

"Blood God Realm, he is going to Blood Realm Mountain." A blood clan responded quickly.

Blood Mountain?

Xue Zunhuang's eyes are restrained.

The Blood God Realm is the star where the Blood God lives, just like the dying nine-layer heaven, and the Blood God Realm is the forbidden place of the Blood God Realm, and even the entire universe of the blood race.

These Invincible Blood Venerables can go to the Blood God Realm, but never dare to go to the Blood Realm Mountain.

What did the nirvana of heaven go there to do?

Without thinking about it, he directly cast a blood mark and passed it along the space rift to Ninety Annihilation, while they whizzed out and headed straight to the Blood God Realm.

The universe of the blood race is huge, absolutely no less than nirvana, and at Qin Feng's speed, it has been a long time since he could not descend into the blood **** realm.

He galloped all the way, passing many stars on the way, and occasionally a blood race tried to hinder him, but he was slapped flying with a palm of his hand, and even some stars were directly shattered.

The elites of the kinship universe have already invaded and disappeared, and there are no strong ones left, so how to stop Qin Feng's footsteps.

Finally, after an unknown period of time, an extremely huge blood-colored star appeared in Qin Feng's sight, and there seemed to be vaguely left behind by the blood god. Obviously, this was the blood **** realm.

"Blood God Realm, Blood Realm Mountain, hope not to let me down."

Qin Feng took a deep breath and turned into a stream of light to break through the boundary directly.

He has great expectations for the Blood Realm Mountain. This may be his last chance. If the Blood God Art can't control the Blood God, even if he recovers to the peak, he is not sure that he can compete with the Blood God.

Moreover, the blood **** would not give him a chance to recover completely.

"Nie Quetian Dao, your death date is here!"

At the moment Qin Feng broke into it, several blood awns followed, and the terrifying **** murders blasted straight towards it.

It is the three of the blood emperor.

They are very familiar with the universe of the blood race, and Qin Feng occasionally encountered obstacles along the way.

No extra nonsense, just shoot.

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