100,000 Years of Body Refining

Chapter 864: Huitianyuan

Qin Feng and others could already see the blood table and rushed towards it frantically.

But the blood race is even more crazy.

If you let Jixi Tiandao escape, who can bear the wrath of the blood god.

At that moment, both sides were fighting for their lives, and the figures exploded frantically, Xinghai seemed to be unable to bear it, crazily crushing and annihilating.


Ye Qingyu acted, and the extreme chill erupted crazily, and the domain of ice enveloped the star sea, and continued to spread forward, freezing countless in an instant.

Qin Muyu and the others rushed forward, echoing Ye Qingyu's chill far away, creating a passage for life.

"Master, you go first!"

Qin Muyu turned around and shouted.

"You go first!" Qin Feng did not retreat first, still lagging behind.

Qin Muyu and the others wanted to say something, but Qin Feng rushed out, and the powers changed and followed.

Ren Zu said: "Retreat to the space rift first."

Qin Muyu and the others stopped talking, rushing towards the space crack and slowly approaching.


The desolate ancient giant looked crazy, and there was no other person in his eyes, only Qin Feng.

Not only him, but many powerful men are attacking Qin Feng at all costs. This is already the last chance, and they must not be allowed to escape.

Even some strong men are blew themselves up.

Even some seriously injured Invincible Realm rushed towards Qin Feng fiercely without fear of death, and finally blew decisively, bringing a strong impact to Qin Feng.

The ancestors and the others were fighting desperately, but there were still several Invincible Realms fighting against Qin Feng.

The leader is the ancient giant.

At this moment, the breath of the wild ancient giant was soaring, and at the same time, his arms were burning, and his fists blasted down like burning stars.

Qin Feng shot it out with a palm.

The difference from the previous one is that that palm is extremely **** red, as if there is no meaning of ten thousand ways, only the meaning of pure killing, but it is terrifying to the extreme.

The two forces quickly collided, and the burning seal tactics gradually shattered, as if the sky and the earth were cracking, and the terrifying blood mark penetrated and came to the head of the ancient giant. The latter did not choose to face it, and moved sideways.

The blood mark of slaughter still fell, and the Wanzhang Xinghai instantly collapsed.

At the same time, the slaying of powerful people such as the ancient evil tiger suddenly fell. It was a force in a desperate state, and it was even more terrifying than before. It was actually shaking Qin Feng back and vomiting blood.

However, after only three steps back, Qin Feng stepped forward again, spreading his palms, killing blood, and suddenly spun.

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

Streaks of blood sparkled like fireworks bursting in all directions.

As soon as those blood awns contacted the wild ancient evil tiger and other powerful men, they burst out with a power that destroys the sky and the earth. Soon, Xinghai became illusory in vain, and then collapsed.

However, the strength of the two sides still exists, and the collision is fierce.

Qin Feng was vomiting blood, and the other party was also vomiting blood, all fighting for his life.

In the end, with a roar, the two sides retreated one after another, and the strong like the ancient giant quickly continued to rush out, but the ancestors and others also slammed in front of Qin Feng.

"You can go!"

Renzu fast way.

Qin Feng turned around and took a look. Ji Jiuqiang had already landed on the blood platform, and there were countless blood races around him crazily impacting, and people were falling, but no one retreated first.


Qin Feng broke out of Dao Domain in vain, then turned decisively and landed on the blood platform.


The wild ancient giants and other strong men all roared, rushing to the past desperately, countless forces directly engulfed the blood platform, and the aftermath of the explosion destroyed the Xinghai.

After those powers dissipated, the blood platform no longer existed, and Qin Feng and the others all disappeared, not knowing the life or death.

Not far away, countless blood races surrounded them, and the wild ancient giants stood on the sea of ​​stars, their bodies trembling violently.

I don't know if it is because of the serious injury or fear.

Maybe both.

In this battle, the blood races can be said to have done everything, at any cost, the fallen blood races are absolutely hundreds of millions, and the invincible state has fallen to several people.

Such a loss is hard to come by in a million years. However, is the dying of heaven dead?


The cracks in the space continued to explode, and the figures flashed out quickly, and it was Qin Feng and the others.

As soon as they came out, many people fell straight down.

It was Qin Feng that was faltering.


This battle can only be described as tragic.

Although they successfully returned, many people have stayed in the blood universe forever.

The two Invincible Realms of Shilong, God, Huntian, and Yu Clan, as well as those who came to support afterwards, nearly half failed to return, and there were still many people familiar with Qin Feng.

Such as Xue Ruyu, Hua Jiuzhou and others, as well as Lianxiaowang and others.

Even if they returned alive, they were all injured, especially the invincible realm powerhouses like Soul Ancestor, who were almost burnt out, and the injuries were extremely heavy, even more tragic than the first battle of Xing Yuan.

"Zhou God, you..." Demon Dao watched Qin Feng and the others return, his expression trembling clearly, and he wanted to move forward, but soon he stopped and his expression changed drastically.

I saw above the sea of ​​stars, the blood **** did not know when he would appear, so he pointed a little, and a beam of blood rushed toward the powers of the demon world.

He knew that those people in the Demon Realm had thoughts, he didn't care, as long as it didn't affect his plan, but if he dared to allow the powerful nirvana to descend into the blood race universe, this would be death.

If the powers of the demon world restrain the powerful nirvana, Qin Feng will never have any reinforcements, and it will be life and death.

Devildom, should pay the price for their decision.

"Retreat!" The devil's expression changed wildly, and he was about to return to the demon world.


In the Demon World, the universe is not the enemy of the Blood God, what's more, it is still dying here, and it is controlled and balanced by the universe, and it is not even the enemy of the Blood God, and even the opponent cannot withstand a single blow.

At that moment, he clearly sensed that death was coming, did not dare to hesitate at all, and decided to leave decisively.


The blood god's killing was so terrifying that they didn't give them the slightest chance to escape.


At this moment, the Zhoushen Palace trembled in vain, and the powerhouses such as Demon Dao only felt that the world had changed, and then a voice rang in his mind.

"Back to Tianyuan!"

That was Qin Feng's voice. He supported his crumbling body, and immediately used the Zhou Divine Palace to bring everyone into it, including Demon Dao and others, before heading straight to Tianyuan.

Although he didn't know the choice of the Demon Realm, the ancestors and the others could come to help, it was enough to explain everything, not to mention the blood god's attack on it, the enemy's enemy could be an alliance.

On Xing Yuan, the blood **** Meng stopped, he could attack the Demon Realm, but Zhou Shen Palace belonged to Qin Feng's property, he really didn't dare to target it, after all, there were contract checks and balances.

"Blood Prisoner World!"

Almost at the moment when the Eternal God Palace was moving, Chen Yi released the bleeding prisoner, covering thousands of miles of stars in an instant, trying to intercept the Eternal God Palace.

After the war, he was checked and balanced by the God of the Universe.

But Qin Feng's speed was too fast, and he had already guarded the blood prison world, and immediately escaped thousands of miles away and returned to Tianyuan.


Immediately afterwards, countless figures filed out in the space rift. It was the blood clan such as the ancient giants. They saw the Zhoushen Palace escape and looked at the gloomy look of the blood god, and their hearts trembled.


In the next moment, many blood races knelt down in the air, waiting in fear for the blood god's trial.

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