100,000 Years of Body Refining

Chapter 882: Detached!

Qin Feng didn't want to reshape his physical body, but to show weakness and let the blood **** reshape the fighting body, and his real purpose was to take advantage of the situation to kill.

In an instant, he slew to the blood god.

At the critical moment of reshaping the blood god, he suddenly felt the sword intent, and for the first time he had a death crisis, so he had to give up the reshaping and flipped his palm.


Under the fierce roar, the fighting body that had just been rebuilt by the blood **** shattered directly, while his soul flew back, retreating tens of thousands of feet all the way.

The distance of ten thousand meters, looking at the vast sea of ​​stars, is simply insignificant. Qin Feng only crossed over in an instant, directly chasing the blood god, and slashed out with a single sword.

Only this time, the blood **** was fully prepared, and the blood returned to the ruins in time to explode to meet that sword.


The tremor broke out, and two completely different blood intents were annihilated one after another. The terrible afterglow caused Qin Feng's speed to stop and retreat, while the blood **** retreated again and again, and retreated thousands of feet again, waiting for it to stop. Next, the soul was extremely dim, not much better than Qin Feng.


In the distance, Qin Feng felt a little regretful.

He wanted to take advantage of the situation to punish the blood god, but unfortunately, the blood god's strength was too terrifying.

"It's a pity that your way made me feel the threat of death, but you know, why didn't you kill me?" The Blood God glanced at his desolate illusory soul, and then at Qin Fengdao.

Qin Feng looked at him without responding.

The blood **** smiled and said, "Because the sword is different!"

"Your death kendo is the most terrifying in the state of begging for death, but at that moment, you were not begging for death, but wanted to kill me. The state of mind is different, the sword is naturally different, how can its power be the same? language."

The blood **** continued to smile and said: "At that moment, if you had a desire to die, maybe the result would be different."

state? Mood?

Qin Feng frowned slightly.

What he exploded just now was Death Swordsmanship, but his sword power was indeed not as terrifying as before. Although it had inflicted heavy damage on the Blood God, it had no effect as imagined.

Is it really the state and the state of mind are different?

When he first performed it before, he did have a desire for death. It was a state where all thoughts were empty. There was no luck in his heart, and he wanted to die with all his heart. It was a real desperate situation of life and death.

But just now, there was indeed no such desperate situation of life and death, and no such state of mind. He wanted to kill the blood god, not to ask for death.


Qin Feng nodded slightly, the strength of Death Swordsmanship depends on his state of mind.

Of course, the real dreams are emptied, and he wants to die with his heart. He is not deliberately created. He will not deliberately. He will do whatever he wants in this battle. When the life and death is truly desperate, he will naturally be seeking death.

"Are you delaying time?" Suddenly, Qin Feng looked at the Blood God Dao.

"Hehe..." The Blood God suddenly grinned.

The laughter did not fall.


With a loud noise, the blood god's soul shook, and the fighting body was instantly rebuilt.

He is indeed delaying time, in order to secretly reshape the fighting body, of course, his words are not false, he knows that falsehoods cannot deceive Qin Feng, only the truth will make Qin Feng feel. , And this is his opportunity.

Sure enough, he succeeded!

The body of combat is reshaped, and the combat power is not the same. In this way, he regains the advantage.

"Although you have reshaped the fighting body, are you not afraid that I will realize it?" Qin Feng looked at the blood god.


The blood **** shook his head and smiled: "You can reach this state in such a short time, and you can become stronger as you fight. The **** swordsmanship continues to sublimate, which shows your understanding, but what about it?"

"The death kendo sublimated by your blood-killing kendo can exert its greatest power only in a state of desperate life and death, and true death. You will encounter this state next, so say or not, enlightenment or not, What does it matter?"

"I think too much." Qin Feng nodded lightly.

"Do you want to delay time too?" The Blood God suddenly frowned.


With a loud bang, Qin Feng's illusory soul suddenly solidified, and his body recovered in an instant.

This is his universe, and the infinite cosmic energy can be used by him. If he wants to, he can recover his body faster than the blood god.

Blood God can do it, and he can do it naturally.

Strictly speaking, he is different from the blood god, he did not delay time, because when the blood **** rebuilt the fighting body, he was also doing it.

"What about reshaping the flesh, you are still not my enemy."

The blood **** said indifferently, and suddenly, with a roar, his body started to burn, and the entire star sea instantly boiled.

In an instant, he disappeared in place and appeared directly in front of Qin Feng.

Qin Feng's expression remained the same, he didn't retreat, just watched the blood **** kill, then raised his hand to transform the sword and cut it out.

A very ordinary sword, and did not deliberately use death kendo.

The true death swordsmanship can only be manifested in the desperate situation of life and death, and death can only be manifested, but at this moment, although the blood **** is terrifying, it will not make him immediately fall into a desperate situation.

What he wants is that kind of despair, the real despair of life and death.

Therefore, he just slashed a sword at will, very plain, without blood, no sword intent, and no death threat, as if he didn't pay attention to the blood **** at all.

Death Kendo is his strongest trump card, but that sword is a sword that will kill him. It can be said to be a passive sword. At this moment, he is waiting for the moment of despair of life and death.




That seemingly random sword directly split the blood of the blood god, the power of destroying the world was directly dissipated, and even the blood **** deity was shaken back by that sword.

As the blood **** retreated, the surrounding stars were annihilated at an extremely fast speed, and his expression also changed drastically in an instant.

Looking down at his abdomen, there was a scary bloodstain, which almost cut his fighting body apart, which made his expression sink instantly.

He raised his head and looked at Qin Feng, his eyes were full of solemnity, "Blood intent is detached...No, your blood intent is not detached, and it is impossible to detach, but your blood-killing sword intent is detached, could it be..."

Suddenly, the voice of the blood **** stopped abruptly.

He didn't dare to go on, he really didn't dare.

This Qin Feng is full of weirdness, not only quickly reaching the real realm, but also getting stronger as he fights, and constantly sublimating and transforming. The words just now can also allow his sword intent to sublimate and transform.

He was afraid that if he continued speaking, Qin Feng would truly be detached.

That is above the truth.

What is detachment?

There are different levels in the heavenly realm. Heavenly realm was originally the realm. This realm is the choice of the universe and is bound by the universe, while the true realm is to walk out of one's own Tao, merge into the Tao and then become the Tao, and is not bound by the universe ever since.

Qin Feng merged with all the ways, and walked out of the way of blood killing with the Blood God Art.

The blood **** walked out of the way of blood destruction.

They are no longer bound by the universe.

On the other hand, transcendence is transcendence of the universe, above the universe.

Dao realm, true realm, detachment, corresponding to restraint, equality, and overriding. In this realm, the blood **** has not been able to get out. It may be more accurate to say that he only took half a step, and the remaining half step requires refining enough universe. It can be done only by the origin.

Being able to refine the origin of the universe is truly superior and truly detached.

But at this moment Qin Feng...

This seems to be beyond the blood god's understanding of the heavenly realm.

For the first time, the blood **** had fear.


Qin Feng caught the words of the blood god, his eyebrows could not help but frowned, there seemed to be a trace of understanding, but there was more puzzlement.

What is detachment?

Qin Feng didn't know.

He only knows that his sword is not deliberately used, it is completely arbitrary, it is an ordinary, natural sword.

As you wish?


Qin Feng suddenly brightened his eyes, as if he had some insight.

But his reaction caused the blood god's eyelids to twitch, and he didn't dare to hesitate, and he went crazy. He really didn't dare to give Qin Feng any more time.

From the beginning, he had the chance to win, and he was confident, until Qin Feng became stronger and stronger, constantly sublimating and transforming, and at this moment, Qin Feng had made him feel a strong threat and fear.

He was afraid, and given a little more time, it was him who was desperate.

Must fight quickly!

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